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Alrighty... so... load times...


I know, I know... it takes a long time to load and this is one of those things that 2.0 is gonna fix. I'm totes cool with this. But we are at a point where a blank scene with nothing in it at all but one single person (No clothes, even) is taking 280 seconds or more. What's weird is that it's about the same amount of time if I have FOUR people and a huge asset (like the train)... Something is chugging down the system.

Is this because I have too many assetbundles? Can I start pruning ones I don't need? A long time ago I loaded all kinds of stuff into VaM because it was so awesome... but now I'm wondering if VaM is trying to load all of those assetbundles? I don't use them all, really. I love experimenting with breathing and stuff but a lot of them aren't being used. What happens if I start pulling assetbundles out?
Do you load VaM from SSD or HDD? Since I have moved to a fast SSD (from HDD), the load times are much much better. I had almost the same loading times like you, because I am a "hunter and collector" of VaM stuff, too.
OK, it is only a workaround and no one should have to buy a new SSD only for VaM, but...
Yeah... I'm on a HDD. Which, frankly, might be the case. I was wondering because it seems to have a pattern: About 20 seconds or so to "Loading Atom (Character)", then it sits there for two minutes or so, then it continues on until it gets to textures which takes a bit (But not weirdly so).

But here's the part I don't get: Once the initial scene is loaded, it seems to not have an unusually long load time for any OTHER scenes... which is why I was suspecting assetbundles.
Hi, this two minutes AFTER loading the Character Atom seems not healthy to me. For me, with all the collected stuff (4000+ morphs, 130 clothing tabs, tons of custom textures, aso), loading the Character Atom was the absolute longest loading time. After the Character was loaded in one or two minutes, the other parts were loaded very quickly. Maybe this is indeed an issue with your installation, a bad asset, or something like that. If no other with a similar issue is answering in time, you should maybe directly ask MeshedVR.

You may try the following: You know you can set your own default starting scene by just saving a scene with the name "default". Try to save an empty scene with no person in it and watch the loading time. If that is not changing anything, try to move some of the folders with custom stuff in them to another drive or folder, aso. It is a bit tricky, because some have original VaM stuff in them, but this sounds a lot nicer than to reinstall VaM and testing the custom stuff one by one after that (which should be done anyways if nothing else works).
In the VaM Updater, there is (little bit hidden) an option the check all the system files automatically. It is most likely not such an system file issue, though, maybe it helps.

But keep in mind: The initial VaM loading IS indeed slow. It was a lot worse some versions ago and it is better now, but it is not fast at all. Before I moved VaM to an PCI 4 M.2 SSD, I was used to start VaM, go to brew me a coffee, came back and maybe loading was ready by this time. During the start, VaM is loading a LOT of stuff in the RAM and the disk cache. Appearently, the more you have, the more it loads. With the new VaM version, you can allocate this disk cache and maybe move it to your system SSD, if you have one. Check the Windows 10 disk cache options/disk swap files or how it is called in English, too.
Hope it helps.
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