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Question Add Passenger Plugin with Trigger or Lock Plugin Parameter without breaking Timeline on MergeLoads?


New member

I'm looking for a way to add Passenger to a Person using a Trigger. My overall aim is to add a Passenger/POV button to scenes that I downloaded that are MergeLoaded and use the Timeline plugin (i.e. I can't lock the plugin parameter as this breaks the Timeline for different scenes). I know I can Edit and add it manually, but I want a faster way by just clicking a UIButton or something.

Any advice or any alternative ways to add/trigger/lock Passenger or enter POV (not keen on possessing) without breaking Timeline other than manually doing it or editing each scene and saving/linking them separately?

Thank you!
@WulfMahn you can use Keybindings, I use fuzzy find to add timeline and other plugins quickly (using the "AddPlugin" extension bundled with Keybindings; you can also bind a shortcut). In the next version of Passenger + Improved PoV (Embody) there will also be a keybinding to activate it, so it will be two keystrokes to add it to a person.
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Thanks Acid Bubbles! Your work in this community is amazing! I'll try it. Does Keybindings work with VR controllers e.g. Oculus Quest 2 controllers? Also, Keybindings won't stay between mergeload scenes will it?
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No it won't work with Oculus controllers, because they are mapped to something already and I cannot currently overwrite those mappings easily (there could be some workarounds but I didn't do any). You can map a gamepad though.

Keybindings is a global plugin, so it should always be available, and your shortcuts should work in all scenes, except scene-specific custom mappings.
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Sorry to be hassling, but I put Keybindings as a Session Plugin, but when I move between scenes, the Person Plugins removes Passenger. If I add Passenger back on (using keybindings), it can move plugin# therefore killing the custom item keybinding. Is there a way for actions to share a keybinding or group actions with a keybinding e.g. either have all plugin#'s to Activate Passenger, or bundle adding Passenger plugin to person and activate it?
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