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  1. A

    Recording mocap in timeline unwanted movement.

    I keep recording mocaps with my Quest 2 and after reducing keyframes I always get gaps where the hands and head will just twist around unnaturally. I've tried smoothing and adding keyframes in and nothing fixes it completely. Am I recording wrong or reducing wrong? The mocaps have a lot of...
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    Working with xps files.

    I've been downloading xps scenery and props and keep coming across files that cause VAM to choke. I assume it's the file size but sometimes it's a prop that doesn't need to be so big. I just imported a hairbrush (which is hard to find for VAM) and it's nearly 5 mb. My guess is the brush...
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    Question Grab Points and animating.

    I've never used grab points but I was just checking out a scene that uses them for movement. Can I use grab points to make an animation and then record it and delete them? I tried doing that with the scene I was looking at but as soon as I deleted the grab points the animation went wonky...
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    Daz clothes backside showing through.

    I imported a diaper from daz and it seems to have a back side that shows through to the outer layer. I'm not talking about reversed normals. I think it has something to do with two sided texture maps showing through. When I use physics I can see these dark shadows waving through the white outer...
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    Penis physics help.

    How do you get the penis setup so it acts natural and isn't going to deform? I don't know what I'm doing wrong but when I make an animation I always end up with deformations and unexpected problems. I usually use autocock hoping to simplify the process but it always ends up going all wonky and...
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    Particle effects for other purposes.

    I don't know if this is possible but Im curious if particle physics can be used as a bit of a hack to bring things alive. I was in vr mode with the beach scene around me in skymagic and I realised that the static picture backdrop could look a lot more real if there was just some movement in...
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    I can't figure out parenting.

    I'm trying to parent a character to another. I haven't got it to work yet and I can't find a step by step. Can someone tell me the method for this? -Character 1 is carrying character 2. - I have an empty parented to Character 1's abdomen. -Character 2 is posed and the control is parented...
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    Question Parenting and unparenting.

    I'm making a scene where one character is carrying another. I set up an empty parented to the characters abdomen. Then in timeline I clicked the second characters control and in the settings I parented it to the empty. Now I want to unparent it about halfway through animation 3 but I can't...
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    Question Timeline memory error saving scene.

    I keep running into the out of memory error using timeline. I have two characters and each character has 5 tracks. They range from 50 seconds to 100 in length. I've reduced keyframes on them but I still can't export the animation or save the scene. Is there a way to do this? Does it help to...
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    Question Setting clothing triggers in timeline.

    I'm making a scene that has 4 animations. Ive been trying to figure out how to trigger things and figured out how to basically get this scene to work. Basically the character pulls her shorts down and then her underwear. Nothing too fancy but getting the layers to work and the timing is tricky...
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    Question Movie making and post magic.

    I want to try and make a short film and Im curious what process others use. Should I use post magic and luts or should I wait until I have the video in DaVinci resolve? Or just use the depth of field and motion blur in post magic? I'm using the Eosin plugin for video render. Does post magic...
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    Question Keyframes and playthrough don't match.

    Maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. If I turn a cylinder into a pole like it's a weapon and then keyframe out a short animation where she swings it and hits something the animation doesn't actually go to the keyframed positions. It just does something similar but it's like vam just...
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    Question Long speech track in timeline issue.

    Somehow this never came up for me before but I have a character that's talking. The audio track is about 2 minutes but the first animation track is 20 seconds and then goes to the second which is looping continuously. When I press play the audio track only plays on the first track and then...
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    Question Cloth grab spheres in timeline.

    I'm having trouble triggering the cloth grab spheres in the timeline. I have 3. One sphere attached to each hand and one on the clothing to hold it in place in the crotch. I know I'm supposed to have "On" unchecked and then set them to "On" when the spheres are in contact with the cloth and...
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    Arm twisting between keyframes.

    This happens to me alot. I'll start tweaking an animation and move the hand around but when I play it back the arm will unexpectedly twist up. If I click on the keyframes everything's fine but when I play it she looks like she just got busted trying to steal Steven Seagal's wallet. I don't...
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    Simple curtains?

    I just want some simple curtains for a bedroom window. Some minor movement would be nice but I don't see any free ones and I'm not sure that can even be done in VAM. The sim sheet seems a bit taxing on my fps although maybe if I dial down the physics it would be ok. I'm not sure what the...
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    Question Pick up and hold objects

    Whats the process for using objects like the classroom pointer in VAM? When I use something like that the only way I can get it to work is by parenting to rHand and turning off collision and physics. Whenever I try to turn that stuff on things go badly. The object will float away taking the...
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    VAM now completely screwed!

    I don't know what happened but I was just making a new scene. I loaded the supplementary colliders on the male and adjusted them. Then loaded lip sync on the female and then loaded timeline 6 for the first time. I noticed the mouth wasn't moving when I played the audio file. Then I realized I...
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    Question Importing clothing with undress option.

    I found a video tutorial for importing Daz clothing to VAM and was surprised how easy it is. I was imported some bikini bottoms and they look pretty good but how do I make it so they can come off? I'm not sure how it works. Does checking "undress" just delete the sim map?
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    ABDL fetish diaper and clothing.

    Has anyone made any abdl stuff for VAM? If I google it there's lots of discussion about scenes but pretty much no specific clothing or props that I can find.. I've found a few pieces of clothing that are kind of abdl but no diapers. I tried using the sim sheet with some success but it's beyond...
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