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Simple curtains?


I just want some simple curtains for a bedroom window. Some minor movement would be nice but I don't see any free ones and I'm not sure that can even be done in VAM.
The sim sheet seems a bit taxing on my fps although maybe if I dial down the physics it would be ok.
I'm not sure what the options are. Without physics they still have to have some shape to them at least rather then a flat sheet.
Maybe you can do something with this resource without destroying your FPS:
I know there is an asset pack, like a room-builder pack or a furniture pack, were some curtains are included. But I can't find it nor do I know the name of the pack.
Are they window blinds? I have an asset pack that I discovered has window blinds in it but it's one of those ones that has a while variety of things and haven't been able to find it again.
You mean if you can look thru? The one I had were real curtains, no looking thru. Wait a minute ...

If I'm not totally wrong just add a custom asset and select the file "furniture.assetbundle" which I think is a vanilla VaM file. Let me know if that's correct.
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I'll check out the curtain room. Must have missed your post.
I was also thinking I could possible take an image plane and use an alpha map to make blinds.
I went hunting for the blinds I had previously found and still can't locate it.
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