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  1. R

    Auto reject uploading incorrectly named packages

    Imo this could improve overall quality of hub-hosted content. In the past unaware users removed version or renamed entire package. So if user is trying to upload .var format that doesn't follow correct naming scheme: <creator> . <package name> . <version> . var automatically reject it. This...
  2. R

    Fixed (FIXED in Found in Creator Filter (File Browsers)

    New creator filter doesn't appear to be working 100%. Missing creators on drop down menu (from shortcuts list) on multiple occasions (plugins, scenes, presets,...). EDIT: After further testing... It appears to be missing only the bottom one (alphabetically) for some reason.
  3. R

    Fixed (FIXED in reported in Scan Hub For Missing Packages (.minVer)

    Using minimum (minVersion) reference version is still partially broken. Scan hub for missing packages still can't download packages with .minversion (Not On Hub). Workaround: goto said package (inside package manager) and click open on hub, from there you can download all min.references...
  4. R

    Fixed (FIXED in AptSpeaker no Volume Actions (triggers)

    This is old bug, I decided to report it for archival purposes. Basically Volume Actions (triggers) are broken on AptSpeaker, Add Volume Action option does nothing. I doubt many use that nippleSpeaker as main audio source. But the only way to add actions is by manually adding triggers inside...
  5. R

    Won't fix ( Web browser autoplay yt video

    You can't really use embedded youtube video as background anymore (without autoplay). Autoplay stopped working and you need to manually hit play (autoplay works fine on v1.20.77.13). This is quite counter intuitive if interactions are...
  6. R

    Morph Merge/Create FormulaMorphs

    I am well aware of plugins like Morph Merger and also updated Morph Merge and Split Both plugins merge all selected morphs into single morph (or split into head/body). Once morphs are merged that's it... this is opposite of what i am looking for. My question (or request): Would it be possible...
  7. R

    Add 'limiter' to new HUB accounts

    Out of safety concerns (for users), maybe limit newly created hub account? -how to limit? Create special rank for new accounts. Make new accounts as 'trial' with temporarily removed upload ability inside resources (maybe inside media section as well?). -restricted until? a) add cooldown...
  8. R

    Solved Interactive license & permission claims

    Q1) Is it ok (legal) to share imported/ported content you purchased from sites like renderocity or renderotica (under standard license)? buy, port, share(as free or paid content) +preferably credit original creator Q2) Is it ok (legal) to share imported/ported content from sites like daz3d, if...
  9. R

    AP steps shifts Ypos when controlled by another AP

    TL;DR Don't use AnimationPattern to control another AnimationPattern. It's nothing new...physics and 'daisy' chaining atoms can cause micro shifts or stutters in positon of AP steps. [similar report1, report2] But using AnimationPattern to control another one is a serious no go (Find another...
  10. R

    [Not VAR Package]/[Not Hub-Hosted] tags

    We got hub-hosted var tag for "proper" packaging and hub uploads. How about addition for externally hosted stuff (inside free category)?Maybe something similar to client hub indicators, in red? If content is hub hosted but not var package (loose zip stuff), add bold red [Not VAR Package] tag...
  11. R

    Hub breaks resource inside client when updated without update post?

    So there is option to upload new resource version (and attach new package) without using post an update option. On hub(site) after uploading everything looks & works fine, there is no new update post, no hub bumb or update date changes/indication New resource is uploaded and download link...
  12. R

    tip: using emojis inside reviews

    just a quick tip if you wanna add emojis inside a review (or reply) - instead of writing :_(Y)_: for (y) or :_heart_: for ❤ (_without_underscore_) you can still use 'manual way' with emoji codes, but no preview until you post it - just goto - pick a category - find...
  13. R

    Fixed (FIXED in REPORTED in Using "something:" trigger breaks reference path

    this is old bug from 1.19.2.x (maybe older) that breaks reference path Issue: Using Receiver Target trigger that starts with toggle:<something>, clothing:<> or hair:<> breaks reference by adding said prefix. Potentially this could be true for any trigger (Receiver Target) that starts with...
  14. R

    Solved Marking Question as Answered

    *looking at stats* ...i'm sure 2/3 of those are already answered never had need to post any questions (inside Q&A) Q1: How hard it is to mark your question as answered? *while writing this post* ...i can see an option to change prefix/status (inside thread title) Q2: Is that how you supposed...
  15. R

    Goodbye 'endless' scrolling

    In the past people complained about 'endless' scrolling on resources page(forum). Recently you guys added actual pages, and it feels like nobody is noticing it? :eek: Small details, but very much appreciated, Thank You! ❤ Even "Show ignored content" option is much easier to use now (with no...
  16. R

    Guide about "How to use/upload/maintain resources"

    This is not a request, more of a question. I am curious about it... Is anyone writing a guide (or planing to) about "how to upload to hub" and about maintaining already uploaded resources (editing, updating, etc)? My English is not perfect, so i wanna refrain myself from writing it. But if...
  17. R

    Portable Audio Converter (FlicFlac by Danny Ben Shitrit)

    So i've been using this portable converter for some time now (to quickly convert .mp3 to .ogg). Aside from file size i didn't noticed any difference (inside VaM) using q5 160kb/s (default encoding) Vs q10 500kb/s. Maybe some audio expert or someone with better audio equipment (hearing) can...
  18. R

    Featured Contributor?

    I don't know if this feature is now automated or still manual nitpick. But color choice feels bit distracting when reading forum (compared to rest of the site elements). It's too "sharp" (out of place) type of blue... ...or maybe it's just me with terrible eyesight.
  19. R

    (Poll) What is your preferred method for sharing/saving/loading looks?

    Quick little poll, out of curiosity. :unsure: how are you doing it...or prefer others to do... EDIT: It appears you can have only 1 poll per thread, so i had to simplify it (only 1 anonymous vote). oh and i prefer appearance presets... EDIT2: i just gonna put this link here for "newcomers" (I...
  20. R

    ( FPS drops with ISSphere scale change (using volume trigger)

    I was using 4 ISSpheres (2 inside each other, each with different Zscale range & different color range) at first i thought issue was with collision (on other atoms), render queue (on spheres), or something... but after disabling/removing rest of atoms (even ones with physics enabled), i finally...
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