UIAssist Scene Button Setup is a scene based plugin that integrates with the UIAssist Session plugin by JayJayWon. It allows Scene creators to define and embed scene specific buttons within the UIAssist interface and setup VAM trigger actions to occur when each button is activated by the UIAssist user. Multiple different configurations of buttons can be setup and then dynamically switched between. For example, one setup of buttons can be presented to the UIAssist user on scene load and then different sets of buttons presented as events occur within the scene.
How do I load the plugin?
How do I load the plugin?
- Download the latest VAR file attached to this page and place it into VAM\AddonPackages folder. Restart VAM (or Rescan packages inside VAM).
- Ensure that UIAssist is running as a Session Plugin. Version 2.17 or greater is required for the integration to work. (VAR package .70 or greater)
- Load the
plugin into any Atom in the scene. Alternatively the plugin can be loaded as a Scene plugin
- Open the PluginUI to see the following screen:
- Press the green '+' to add multiple Buttons
- The buttons should now be available in UIAssist by pressing the yellow EXT button:
Which will then show the following in UIAssist:
- Configure each button by pressing the yellow '>' to modify the corresponding button's setup:
- Rename and change the button's colors as appropriate.
- Press 'Setup button actions....' to configure the VAM Trigger actions to be performed when the corresponding button is activated from UIAssist.
- Simply save the Scene as normal. The setup will be restored when the scene is reloaded.
- If the Scene is then packaged and distributed in a VAR, the same configured buttons will appear on any consumer of the Scene as long as they have a compatible version of UIAssist loaded as a Session plugin.
- Access the Config Manager screen from the top left hand corner of the plugin UI:
- Use the green '+' to add multiple Configs:
- Each Config can have completely different buttons setups.
- The Active Button Config will determine which Config is displayed within UIAssist.
- The Active Button Config can be also modified during a Scene using the standard VAM Trigger system (i.e. from Timeline or an Animation Pattern or a Collision Trigger etc.)