Tutorial Collection (from other Users)
How to use subscenes (by ZRSX)
How to use subscenes - Guides -
Intro What is a subscene? A subscene is simple a part of a scene that is saved separately and that you can reuse at will. You can include any subscene any number of times in any scene. More precisely, a subscene is a VAM atom: it can be found...

How to use subscenes - Guides -
Intro What is a subscene? A subscene is simple a part of a scene that is saved separately and that you can reuse at will. You can include any subscene any number of times in any scene. More precisely, a subscene is a VAM atom: it can be found...

Material texture library (by ZRSX)

Material texture library - Textures -
What is it? This is a material texture library for all to enjoy ;) You have convenient subscenes to easily explore and apply them! I'm the first to scowl when there are duplicates in various VAR... and textures with good resolution can quickly...

Youtube Tutorials (by Captain Varghoss)

YouTube Tutorials - Guides -
I have started making VaM tutorials for YouTube. As we all know there are some great tutorials out there but sadly they are quite outdated. This is my attempt to update the information and have it easily accessible to everyone. I've just gotten...

The definitive asset creation tutorial for VaM (by hazmhox)

The definitive asset creation tutorial for VaM - Guides -
The definitive asset creation tutorial for VaM Introduction This guide is a set of information, tips, tricks and suggestions to easily build new Custom Unity Assets for VaM and also, first and foremost, avoid mistakes and optimize your content...

Unity AssetBundles for VaM 1.xx (by MacGruber)

Unity AssetBundles for VaM 1.xx - Guides -
After some people essentially begged me to do it, I spend several evenings this week and the this entire Saturday on writing a tutorial on Unity AssetBundles. It ended up to be an 13 page PDF of 2700 words. Lots of pictures, obviously. This...

Creating Prefabs in unity (by VamTastic)

Creating Prefabs in unity - Guides -
MacGruber has a brilliant guide about assetbundles , including creating prefabs. https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/unity-assetbundles-for-vam-1-xx.167/ I have done this as simple 4 step by step guide to creating Prefabs thanks to Hazmhox for...