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Plugins Timeline v6.4.2

Essential, but sometimes challenging.
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Timeline is a most-have for anyone who wants to do detailed and custom animations in VaM. UI works well in desktop and VR too.
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I've just started learning to use it, but so far it's an amazing tool! Essential for any VaM user at this point. Keep up the great work AcidBubbles! 😊
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Maybe the most important plugging you will need to create animation
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fantastic tool, allows for incredible control for animating, even in desktop, and is relatively easy to use
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Amazing plugin. Really wish I hadn't waited so long to begin using it. I was daunted by how complex it looks, and is, but it doesn't take a lot to begin to understand it. A super powerful plugin.
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Best plugin of ever!
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Acid = Legend
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You are a LEGEND!
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Really GERAT plugin! Thanks for share!
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If you want to create a truly immersive scene, this is the plugin for you. I have used this plugin so much, easy to learn/use and a must have if you want to make great custom scenes! Great job with this!
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Used in my latest youtube video. It was the most easy morph animation you can imagine and it was probably about five minutes of work. I got plenty of comments back from how I did this. Well, it's amazing what you have made here acidbubbles. I don't really understand how you managed to create a specialized UI inside of VAM in the way you did.
Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles
Coming from someone who makes miracles all the time in VaM, that means a lot, thanks! I didn't have much time to try what you've built but I only heard extraordinary things about them!
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I've been using this for a custom scene and it has made things so much easier for me. Just amazing. TY!
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An absolute must-have for creator-tier subscribers.
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Beautiful work
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  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: v3.0.17
This guy's stuff is amazing and free.... so yes 5 starts all day long
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Step 1. Pay for creator edition of VAM

Step 2. Download this plug in

Amazing creation and the most important plug in for this game, hopefully becomes part of the main game at some point
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Most Essential Plugin to Vam ,
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