• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
This is just a tiny free update for those of you who would like to add custom breathing audio. It is adding the breath debug tool mentioned in the custom audio tutorial. This allows hot-reloading the JSON database without having to rebuild the AssetBundle and manually queuing of specific audio files. Also fixes the rhythm damping setting in the Life01 scene.
This version focuses on adding mouth breathing and a new orgasm system. Find a fancy video here.

New features
  • Added 36 new mouth breathing sounds!
  • Implemented Orgasm support! Added 6 different orgasms to the AudioBundle, these are 3-8 chained breaths each.
  • Implemented JSON scaling options to scale nose, mouth and lung animations independently for each breath. Use to fine-tune your custom audio!
  • Implemented Multi-Breath support, these are multiple breaths in a single audio file.
  • Implemented 'OnChooseBreath' broadcast message. This is essential for those who implement their own controller plugin to direct my Life plugin. It notifies you when it is about to choose the next breath and you should update settings (Intensity, ThrustMultiplier, etc.) See the updated Scene_Life03 demo controller plugin to support orgasms.
  • Potential silent crash fixes for ThrustSFX.
This is an intermediate version I want to push for free to the community to get everyone onto VaM 1.19 as quickly as possible.

New features
  • Support for male characters, including Futa.
  • Support for pitch, which controls audio playback speed. You can use this to cause frequency shifts, e.g. making audio sound more male or older, etc.
  • Support for custom Breathing-AudioBundles. Provide your own sounds! (Next version will include some quick guide on what is needed, but some people had already their own packages.)
  • Changes needed for VaM 1.19+ to be able to ship as VAR package.
This does not yet include the new sounds I promised for end of this month. However, I got some vacation days lined up, so I expect to have those in a week or so. Life 6 will be again an EarlyAccess update, as usual.
As teasered a few days ago, this update includes a number of improvements to the plugin collection:

  • I have added 3 different sound effects with multiple sounds each: wet lube, a fleshy slap of meat hitting meat and last but not least some light bed/mattress squeaking. Thanks to Bluzz44 for providing most of these! These are of course all separate sound effects, meaning they can be located at their correct position in 3D. VaM is (of course) using a spatializer instead of just lame 3D-stereo sound, meaning when in VR your brain can actually locate that the sound is coming from the bed below you and not from the girls mouth. As a side effect, having separate sound effects allows you to tweak timing and volume to your liking individually.
  • Added Life04 demo, which is identical to Life03, except that it shows off the new sound effects. Check out this demo video! (Also: HQ version on MEGA)
  • I have implemented an AudioDistanceAttenuation plugin. This is an attempt at an improved audio distance attenuation curve over the Unity default logarithm curve. There is also an attempt to compensate for the apparent distances differences when dealing with different camera FoV angles. To say it in simpler words: This improves how the volume decreases with distance from the source, which was always a hassle in VaM. The plugin will be shipped with this package for convenience, but can also be used separately and is offered as a free download.
  • Additionally I spend the entire day yesterday improving how the DriverThrust sub-plugin syncs to the breathing, since it had really trouble with unregular (=normal) breathing. Often it made sudden speed changes to re-sync, which could look weird. The new sync code should improve this a lot, especially since part of the speed difference is caught by reducing or extending the range of motion instead of just speed alone. This is far less noticeable, If this is still not good enough, you can crank up the "Rhythm Damping" slider in the Breathing plugin, since that makes breathing more regular.
  • Some of the breathing sounds accidentally used Vorbis/MP3 audio compression, which is the default for Unity. That was slightly lower quality and also had a minimally higher CPU drain. However, I doubt anyone will notice the difference ;)
  • Audio pitch for the Person atom is now forced to 1.0 to avoid de-syncs.
  • Tutorial: Creating Life03 received minor updates to reflect some v0.4 changes.
As you might remember, back in January I posted a commission for improved breathing morphs. Both DDQuidam (Patreon page) and TimelordToby (Reddit profile) provided a number of morphs. Thanks especially to DDQuidam for suffering through my repeated improvement requests. In the end they produced together about 40 morph variations total. From these I selected 3 morphs and used MorphMerger to generate 2 additional ones that ended up in the plugin package. I'm quite satisfied with the result, I hope you agree it was worth the investment in time and money. You can find a comparison video here. (At the time of posting this, my video is waiting in the encoding queue for more than one hour for whatever reason. If anyone knows a better video hoster for this kind of thing, please shoot a comment.)

Most noticeably the lung is now actually inflating, instead of only applying rotational force on the chest control. The stomach morph is very similar to the old morph, but it makes sense to have the one breathing morph package and a clear legal situation. The nose animation now got dedicated morphs, meaning it won't ruin and looks that have been using the same morphs I have been using. Also it is now much closer to the movement of an actual nose during breathing. For mouth breathing there is now also a lips morph, which should improve things slightly.

Besides the morphs, there have also been general animation improvements on the script side as well as minor fixes to the Life01 and Life02 demo scenes. Life03 remained unchanged, but it gets the plugin improvements automatically.
I spend some significant time in the recent weeks to keep improving the Breathing plugin as well as the connected DriverThrust sub-plugin, which are both part of the "Life" plugin set. This is a free maintenance release. The next release, probably in February, will include more sounds and be 2-week Early-Access again.

  • Implemented RhythmDamping to allow you control how regular you want your breathing.
  • Implemented "DriverThrust" sub-plugin which drives AnimationPatterns and/or VariableTriggers so you can have synchronized 'action'. Compared to the original plugin this got improved synchronization and has a multiplier for multiple thrusts per breath.
  • Implemented separate volume for VR and Desktop. Also re-balanced audio volume between recordings.
  • Implemented audio-interrupt feature which allows faster transition between IO/OI modes.
  • Implemented PostMagic-style info text to explain all the sliders.
  • Fixed potential silent crash during scene load.
  • Fixed issue with some Breathing settings not surviving loading another Person look.
  • Tweaked some default values.
  • New demo scene "Life03". Finally some proper action going on. There is a scene controller running a state machine randomly transitioning between different plugin settings. Very similar to the old "OnTheSofa" scene, except its on a bed and uses only standard VaM assets. Well, except hair (see dependencies below), as we can't do without some hair physics in 2020, right?
  • Due to Patreons policy I can't post the video here, but it is linked in my Reddit post. And imagine above screenshot with a lot less clothing :p
Dependencies (not included)
  • You will need the "Breath1" morph from the Upperbody-Reloaded-Lite pack. Very likely you have it already, but just in case, find it here for example.
  • For the new demo scene I got friendly permission from Roac to use one of his glorious hair packages. Very likely you have it too already, but just in case: Roac Hairs 1
Known issues
  • Due to VaM bug/weirdness, if you load a Look onto the girl Person atom, that might change the name of the atom, if the Look was saved with a different name. Since the plugin is searching for AnimationPatterns to control based on that name, it might cause the Thrust animation to stop. However, you can just rename the atom back to "Person", it automatically reconnects.
  • There are occasional hiccups where the animation suddenly goes faster for a moment. Usually after a scene load or after changing settings. Have not figured out what the issue is, yet.
This is a work-in-progress release of the Breathing plugin I had been advertising for a long time. I'm aiming to make some more tweaks on the weekend, but I can't guarantee it will finish before I disappear into the holiday season. Below you find a list of what further steps are planned.

For those not familiar with my old breathing plugin from a year ago: This is a plugin that plays breathing audio recordings while playing synchronized animations. The first plugin just used audio extracted from VaM. However, thanks to YOU (my patrons!) I was able to commission $180 (incl. VAT) worth of professional breathing audio recordings from VoiceLikeCandy.

Not all of these recordings could be included yet, since every single breath needs to be cut and measured precisely. That just takes a LOT of time. Anyway, the plugin now contains 4 datasets:

  • "Candy-Nose" (55 new sounds)
  • "Candy-Sensual" (46 new sounds)
  • "Original" / "Original-Moan" (40 original sounds ported from old plugin)
The code has been rewritten from scratch, now featuring a far better event and blending system. Also it is modular now, meaning you can implement your own "driver" sub-plugins to do you own animations or control external devices (e-stim, suckers, ...)

Sounds as well as all the timing information is now loaded from an AssetBundle, which loads WAY faster than before, despite having more than tripled the amount of data.

The package includes:

  • Breathing plugin
  • Gaze plugin
  • Eyes plugin
  • 2 simple demo scenes
Due to Patreon's policy I can't post a video here. However, I linked it in the reddit post.
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