
  1. NtamaC

    How to create an audiobundle?

    Hi everyone, I'm amping up my VAM skills to start creating some content and I'm getting stuck on something rather basic with audio: Thanks to @MacGruber and the amazing Life and Breathing plugins, one can bring scenes alive relatively easily. The Breathing plugin seems to rely on audiobundles...
  2. Life

    Plugins Life 13 (free)
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY-SA

    Life is a collection of plugins intended to essentially awake a character, let him/her come to life. Central part so far is the audio-synchronized breathing, which can be used to drive complex animations. The Version 13 update helps with making the Gaze plugin more compatible with AcidBubbles...
  3. Cornwall

    Plugins Cornwall v1.0.1
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY-SA

    Cornwall Audio-only breathing script using built-in Pixie audio clips There's so many good audio breathing sounds, better put them to good use! Here's a link to Pixie's PornHub page: Credits Asked for by WeebUVR
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