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thanks for sharing. crossing my fingers for gemma
Upvote 1
I'm getting 45 FPS native in VaM and 113 FPS with Lossless generating the extra frames stutter-free. It's a night and day difference without tweaking my 4080 or my 13900K (the way I assumed it would take to get to these speeds!). I've got a Pico 4, Virtual Desktop, and WiFi 6. I've been on VaM since 2019 and this is the break-through that I've been waiting for, aside from VaM2.
Thank you for the review. Great to hear that the guide was effective for you - id like to add that 45 native FPS with your specs are very far from typical performance. If youre not having a 3+ person scene there, you should take a look if your AddonPackages folder is bloated, this is often the cause for great hardware yielding terrible performance. Everyone handles the numbers there differently, id like to never go above 300 items in one vam-installation, keeps performance peak!
Upvote 0
Well done! Thank you very much for this port :) And good job combining various existing hairstyles to create a very lookalike style like Panam's, very resourceful (I mean seriously it looks nearly identical to her actual hairstyle). Can't wait to see more of your ports!
Thanks! I'm glad you like it, I went through so many different hairstyles to find the ones I ended up using so it's nice to hear it's somewhat accurate. I'm planning on doing Alex and 2077 Rogue next to fill in the gaps of Cyberpunk models for VAM.
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getting better and better with each updates
PVP Thank you very much for your compliments and rating!
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the new MH waifu :3
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每一季都非常驚豔!感謝一直以來對社群的無私貢獻!最後想問幾個問題,一個是我的系統是5800x3d,64g記憶體和rtx3080,但是加載時間在5分鐘左右,我不太確定這個時間正不正常。還有一個是不知道為甚麼進場景時明明載入完衣服頭髮了可是過一會衣服和頭髮又會消失掉重新載入,其中還會顯示“loading image”,希望能在您有時間時得到回覆,感謝。
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Sometimes couch action is the best kind.
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Amazing tool! Huge enhancement to my VAM experience!!!
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Truly hilarious contribution that I now use to show everyone what VAM is capable of.
Lmao! Thanks for the review!
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One of your best "original" looks
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Excellent look
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Very well crafted
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Impressive look
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Really impressive environment in both scale and detail. Thanks for porting over!
Thank you VAMIC, you're welcome
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Really solid pair of normal looking hoops. Thanks for uploading!
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Incredibly impressive and classy, especially with the openable doors.
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Great tribute to a 90s classic!
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Nice, this has bothered me forever
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