These Haley scenes of yours are all 5star quality! Great work!
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Cool but the music is kind of annoying
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Love it she is so Hot. Is it possible to make or add the option to make it work with VamSync i tried the vamlaunch and it doesnt seem to work for me. i have tried some other scenes that they work with VamSync and Lovense toy straight away. i think this scene would be epic to hook up to a stroker and try keep up with her. She is so Real
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Your scenes are some of the best!
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Congrats on over 100k+ downloads! This is one of my favorite scenes I've seen on VAM and is so well done in many ways. Amazing work from an awesome content creator!
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Probably my favorite scene on VAM and it has a high degree of replayability. Love the ability to control the motions or just let her handle everything automatically. Keep up the great work!!
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Amazing scene with awesome background visuals.
Thanks for reviewing this one, Torxx! Glad you liked it! :)
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This was my first ever Szene i was loading up in VAM and it is just amazing and done very well. The animations are amazing, and Haley is even more :D
That's awesome! Welcome to the community and thank you for the kind review :)
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some 👌
Thank you!
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I discovered VaM in December 2022. That was one of my first scenes and I was blown away. I like it very much. Thanks for sharing and the inspiration to create my own scenes. Many Thanks
Thank you for reviewing my scenes :D
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Absolutely Love This Scene. One of the best ones I seen so far. Keep up the amazing work.
How did I miss your review from December?? Thank you, Kyra! <3
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I like it!
Thank you for the 5 star review!
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LOVED it, her facial expression is AWESOME
Thank you so much for the review! I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)
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Thank you!!
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I'm not really into music driven sex scenes like that... but my tastes are not important when it comes to the actual quality of the scene.

The sync is perfectly driven, and the way the scene evolves is really interesting! The climax is also actually the awesome part of the scene.

Awesome scripting and animation ascorad!
Wow! Sincerely, thank you hazmhox for reviewing my scene! It truly means the world to get positive feedback from you! To respond to what you said about music driven scenes, I thought some people might prefer something like that, so I recently released a version called Infinity Mode without the music and visual effects. Thank you again!! :)
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great experince
Thank you so much for reviewing my scene!
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Thank you very much for adding the disable the lighting mode it really helps someone like me on the low end side. anyway this is one of the best scene I've seen here thanks again for sharing your work!
You're very welcome! Thank you so much for the review!
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Looks great! VAMLaunch isn't working on my end. Couldn't find to which atom it was attached as well
Thank you for the 5 star review, but I don't think I've earned it just yet! I'm pretty sure I know what the issue is. I can't post screenshots here, but I'll tag you in a post in the discussion section on how to fix it. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
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This is just the best
Thank you! I appreciate the 5 star review very much!
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For me this scene is now, with version 5.2, worth a 5/5 rating.

It was not before, let me explain why:

I would have not rated it good in the early versions (So I did not rate at all), simply because technically it was a mess. Primary reason being the bad dependencies. I also run into the problem that it did not run properly in edit mode which is now fixed.
I think doing quality control by testing the scene in a clean VAM-installation before uploading would have helped to catch many problems. Considering that thousand of people download this and potentially run into issues or download unnecessary dependencies, messing up their VAM-installation, that's very bad and always a big red flag for me.

Now I hope I do not come across like an asshole for being very critical. The scene itself is indeed very well animated. Unlike other creators who have scenes on the Hub with 100+ dependencies, completely broken because they lack the skills/knowledge to fix their mess, you (ascorad) fixed it over time and it became a "Must Have".

So at the end - Good work and Thank You!

I guess a reason why it's so popular, is because it combines a lot of elements that people like in VR:
-It's POV and has a good camera perspective for immersion.
-The animation is in sync to the music with eye candy effects.
-It's interactive allowing you control. (unlike watching 'fixed' mocap where some interaction is just lost)
Thank you for the review!

Your criticism is 100% valid and in no way makes you look like an asshole. I agree with every point you made. My first few uploads were really poorly optimized and that's on me for not doing enough research ahead of time. I read about how to create a var, but didn't bother looking into how to create a quality var. I was initially hesitant (or just too lazy) to create a separate clean install of VaM but I quickly learned how incredibly important that is to creating good content. I'm honestly a little embarrassed about how insane the dependencies were in the beginning (I think it was close to a hundred), and especially the situation I got myself into back when the updated var was dependent on a previous version of itself! But, in the end it turned into something that I'm really proud of and the criticism I received is THE reason why it turned out exponentially better. I couldn't have brought it to this point without the negative feedback in addition to the help that several other creators offered up in the discussion. In my opinion, if you're going to be a creator of anything, you shouldn't accept praise unless you're also willing to accepting criticism or even just plain negative feedback.

Thanks so much for the in-depth review. It's appreciated very much, and I'm truly humbled hearing it referred to as a "must have". It really means the world. Thank you!! :)
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