• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Plugins + Scripts DiviningLipsAndHands

Make sure to save 'Session Plugin Presets -> Change User Defaults -> Set Current As User Defaults' to make this permanent on loading VAM or it'll only be active for that run of VAM.

All mouths and hands in the scene will auto open, suck and grab a cock when they are near it. This affects all persons hands and mouths in the scene or any scene if you load it as a session plugin.

+ Dynamic tongue and lip sucking animation along with the morph for a bit extra while giving a blowjob
+ Mouth Kissing, nipple suck and tonguing vaginas
+ Vagina Fingering morph
+ Option to auto disable "Allow possess finger control" on all atoms in the scene - normally when you possess hands the controllers allow some movement of the fingers which overrides any morph control by the plugin.
+ Plugin will now check if it's running as a scene plugin and there's an instance already running as a session plugin and will halt loading. Some creators might add this plugin as scene and if you've got it running as a session it'll course double hit on processing.
+ Only morph the closest hand to a penis or vagina
+ Switch controller based finger morph (which was permanently set to off by the plugin previously) on/off based on distance to penis/vagina and do this per hand
+ Better thumb bend for penis grab
+ Better thumb animation for penis grab - slow move out the way and then quick down instead of quick up and down
+ Removed thumb bend disable option - shout if you really were using that - but I doubt it...
+ reset hand morph if no target assigned
+ Plugin will switch between pussy fingers 1 and 2 depending on alignment with pussy - see video
+ Add tit grab morph and switch to turn this off when possessing hands (enabled by default)
+ Added alignment and morph choice for vagina fingering
+ Added option to tongue only tip of penis or Vagina (on by default)
+ Added nipple lick
+ Small bug fix to not track atoms (persons) that are off (not visble to user)
+ Cylinder projection from Vag and small radius means hands no longer do hand vag morph while touching a butt
+ Added 2 sliders for Pussy Hands React Cylinder Radius and Height Amount
+ Enable double handjob morph
+Added option (disabled by default) to target females for penis grab - this is intend for Stoppers Futa Plugin
+Better Blow Job effect which should have less clipping around the sides of the mouth and brings the bottom lip up for a closer BlowJob.
+ Improved Tongue action which was just diagonal across (-1,-1 to 1,1) and now goes in a circle motion in a random direction that changes direction at random.
+ Added Toe kissing and tonguing with offsets sliders for toes
+ Added tit fuck morph by ggGG
+ Added Option to allow scene loaded plugin to override session copy or not - override is on by default

  • Added idle finger movement
  • Added straighten fingers on movement of hand
Thanks to UserBob/AnalogueBob and VamTastic for their brilliant Blowjob, penis grip and vagina fingering morphs - REQUIRED TO RUN

See below for more detail



For those interested in the model

More detail
When a hand (all hands are adjusted) are near a "penisMidControl" the follow morphes are applied
  • Penis_Grip_R
  • Right Thumb Fist
  • Right Thumb In-Out
  • Right Thumb Bend
  • Right Thumb Grasp
  • Left Fingers Grasp
  • Penis Grip L
  • Left Thumb Fist
  • Left Thumb In-Out
  • Left Thumb Bend
  • Left Thumb Grasp

When a hand (all hands are adjusted) are near a "VaginaTrigger" the following morphes are applied
  • Pussy Finger.R
  • Pussy Finger.L
  • Pussy Finger Bend.R
  • Pussy Finger Bend.L

When a mouth (LipTrigger) (all mouths are adjusted) are near a "penisMidControl", "l/rNippleControl", "LipTrigger" or "VaginaTrigger" the follow morphes are applied
  • Mouth Open Wide
  • [BJ DX] Mouth Open Shape
  • [BJ DX] Mouth Suck Shape 1
  • [BJ DX] Mouth Suck Shape 2
  • BJ DX Kiss 2
  • [BJ DX] Mouth Corner Depth L
  • [BJ DX] Mouth Corner Depth R
  • Tongue In-Out
  • Tongue Side-Side
  • Tongue Bend Tip
  • Tongue Narrow-Wide
  • Tongue Thickness
  • divininglipsandhands_plugin.jpg
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First release
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4.94 star(s) 50 ratings

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Creator Support Link
ggGG ggGG
VamTastic VamTastic
VamTastic VamTastic
VamTastic VamTastic
UserBob UserBob

Latest updates

  1. Using a packager script so I can remove dependency scene

    Using a packager script so I can remove the dependency scene No functionality change - please...
  2. Fix inconsistency of disabling hand grasp and fingering + new check box for idle hands on/off

    Fix inconsistency of disabling hand grasp and fingering + new check box for idle hands on/off
  3. "Idle finger move amount" now actually does something + set to less aggressive thumb bend

    Ever done some programming, created a variable, assigned a UI slider, set all it's values and...

Latest reviews

A must have!
Upvote 0
Thanks for add the idle checkbox!! Great work
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Incredibly useful plugin makes it so much easier to pose.
I would leave it 5 stars if only you could add grabbing to other parts of the body and not just for genitals. Like grabbing legs, hands, head. feet, basically entire body.
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nice details.
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Very cool!
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Love this. But why does the girl not grab her boob with the left hand? Only the right hand grabs it.
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toe licking update LETS GOOOOOOO
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keep up the great work dude
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I think your plugin is ESSENTIAL. I use it in almost all my scenes. It makes creating licking motion so much easier. I want to personally thank you for making this amazing plugin!!
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