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Easy Gaze - Finger and Kiss Motion

Plugins + Scripts Easy Gaze - Finger and Kiss Motion


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Featured Contributor
Spacedog submitted a new resource:

Easy Gaze - Finger and Kiss Motion - Plugin collection for controlling gaze, finger motion and kiss motion.

This is a simple plugin collection for controlling gaze, finger and face movements. Included are 2 demo Scenes.


Easy Gaze - Load the plugin on a person and they will look at you! You can also set them to look at their eye target instead and adjust offsets and apply random movement to make if feel more natural.

Finger motion- Load the plugin for the left or right hand on a person and add an atom to your scene for to be the target. This could be anything but an Empty atom is...

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Might I suggest uploading an icon for this resource to replace the gear? You can do that be clicking dropdown menu on right and select "Edit Resource Icon"
Spacedog updated Easy Gaze - Finger and Kiss Motion with a new update entry:

Easy Gaze update

Several fixes for Easy Gaze make it much more robust whatever the circumstance or orientation.

I have fixed a long standing issue where a person would tend to look down when you got very close to them. This is done with a new slider "Eye Offset Level" which sets the height of the eye level above the head node and it makes sure the person always looks directly at the intended target. The default should be good for most people but he adjustment allows it to work at any scale.

Fixed the...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Is it possible to set it to detect Persons ? now it only detect objects and Player. It would be great if you could set it to detect concrete Person sub atom. eg Person Penis or Person mouth.
Is it possible to set it to detect Persons ? now it only detect objects and Player. It would be great if you could set it to detect concrete Person sub atom. eg Person Penis or Person mouth.
Yes, unfortunately my limited coding skills don't extend that far.

Besides attaching an empty atom to body parts allows finer control over the output behaviour so it might take an extra couple of steps but the results will be better.
Do you happen to know if there's something similar to your finger plugin for a tongue?
Would be cool to upload some sort of preview. Cause I don't dig what does finger and kiss plugins do. Gon try out anyway. Big men say it's awesome?
Would be cool to upload some sort of preview. Cause I don't dig what does finger and kiss plugins do. Gon try out anyway. Big men say it's awesome?
There are 2 demo scenes for you to look at and they should give a decent idea of what the plugins do, but if your're stuck let me know and I'll try to help.
Very nice pluggin! I really like it. I remember seeing that in a scene but cannot remember which one. Is there any way to have her look at you directly, but randomly look away. It would feel more natural. People do not hold gaze that intensively for many seconds in a row. It would be cool to have a setup where she would stop looking in your eyes to look at her eye target for a seconds. I would see:

You could set a min/max interval at which she would randomly look away
- Look away min interval
- Look away max interval

You could set a min/max length at which she would keep her gaze away.
- Min length while looking away.
- Max length while looking away.

That would make night and day in the effect!
Is it possible to make the LOOK AT - PLAYER be permanent/default?
If I save a scene with easygaze 1.1 and reload, the target always changes to "CUSTOM" instead of "PLAYER" I saved it with and the gaze just wanders off into nothing.
Is it possible to make the LOOK AT - PLAYER be permanent/default?
If I save a scene with easygaze 1.1 and reload, the target always changes to "CUSTOM" instead of "PLAYER" I saved it with and the gaze just wanders off into nothing.
Hi! Yes that's how it should work, if it's not then likely the scene you're using has some trigger that is changing the look target at scene load.
Hi! Yes that's how it should work, if it's not then likely the scene you're using has some trigger that is changing the look target at scene load.
I have nothing else in scene that changes gaze target, and on scene load it does change the target :/
I can't reproduce this, it works fine for me. Can you try on a completely blank scene with just 1 person?
I was using it with bodylanguage from cheesyfx with his gaze module turned off.... seems like easygaze did not care about that module being turned off, it let bl drive the gaze even when not working.
Turns out your gaze alone does indeed have no flaws that I know of. Sorry for taking away of your time.
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