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Plugins + Scripts IdlePoser

Hey Mr. Awesome Gruber! =) I just wanted to make an new scene etc. using idleposer and wanted to set states with buttons but its not working somehow...
i use two uibuttons one is for 1st State and the other for the 2nd one, set it to switchstate and when i enter the statename and test it, it says unknown state.. i checked it twice but its the correct name =( here an example. 1. state is named DefaultState (this works somehow) 2nd state is called LookHer (it says unknown) what do i do wrong?

PS: I don't know whats going on, know it seems to work. Maybe some of my Statename are too long? I just reducest them to minimum and know its working.. hmm
@Mopze There shouldn't really be a limit for length of the name, although of course the UI will have trouble at some point. The name has to be exactly the same, though. Any typo, different lower/upppercase or any spaces, newlines, etc. around the name would cause it to not recognize the name. I recommend to work in Desktop mode where you can simply copy&paste the names.
@Mopze There shouldn't really be a limit for length of the name, although of course the UI will have trouble at some point. The name has to be exactly the same, though. Any typo, different lower/upppercase or any spaces, newlines, etc. around the name would cause it to not recognize the name. I recommend to work in Desktop mode where you can simply copy&paste the names.

Yep im always buidling my scenes in desktopmode. I don't know why, sometimes it works sometimes not... i really check to not make a mistake in typing the names.
No extra spaces or newlines? Anything like that?
No Nothing, i even tried names like "State1,2,3...etc" or "A1, A2" But even without numbers. Sometimes it works sometimes not... don't know if something is broken in my installation. My loading times are extremly long sometimes...
@Mopze If you send me the scene, maybe I can figure out what is going on. Might take a few days, though.
I'll check something before, i just looked in my Addonpackages Folder... and have seen that i didn't clean it for a long time. Many same plugins in other versions *facepalm* im going to delete all unessessary ones and report if this solved my issue.
Hey sorry sometimes i forget answer again -.-. So i just figured out, if i copy and paste the name its working without any issues. If i write in exactly as i named it, its not alway working.
Hi MacGruber, this plugin is really powerful.
I only have one concern in terms of use when it comes to add pose morphs. In your tutorial you decribe to use the "animateable"- function to filter the posemorphs. I don't know if this feature got lst with VAM updates but I can't find this in the morphs table. A function to add all active posemorphs of a persons atom like in the expression randomizer plugin would be so incredible helpful.
I only have one concern in terms of use when it comes to add pose morphs. In your tutorial you decribe to use the "animateable"- function to filter the posemorphs. I don't know if this feature got lst with VAM updates but I can't find this in the morphs table. A function to add all active posemorphs of a persons atom like in the expression randomizer plugin would be so incredible helpful.
The tutorial is hopelessly outdated. The plan is to make a video tutorial eventually, not sure when I will get to that.

That "animateable" VaM feature was removed a while back when Meshed updated the morph window a while back. You have to add morphs one by one now by searching for the name, selecting the morph in the filter-dropdown menu and pressing "Add morph". A good practice is to search for a common part in the name of the morphs you want to add, like "Right" or "Thumb" so selecting is faster.
A good practice is to search for a common part in the name of the morphs you want to add, like "Right" or "Thumb" so selecting is faster.

Thx for your reply. Yeah thats the way I already add the used posemorphs. I have no idea how effortable it is.... So only a polite suggestion to include a button: "add active posemorph" as ClockwiseSilvers Expression Randomizer has. But his plugin on the other hand has some limitations IdlePoser hasn't.

So only a polite suggestion to include a button: "add active posemorph" as ClockwiseSilvers Expression Randomizer has.
Sry, I don't think that idea is useful in the context of IdlePoser. The common use case for IdlePoser is to have like 3 to 5 IdlePoser plugins on the same character, each managing a different body part. So, IdlePoser can't know which morph you want to have controlled from where and which morph just got a constant value you don't want to change. Also you don't want to animate too many morphs in the first place (performance), so adding them one by one should not be a problem.
Hi MacGruber,
by external triggers there is the possibility to set a "State Mask". I tried this out, got an error message and now there are no more valid transitions in this idleposer setup. Debug info now shows: "No valid transitions; StateMask E"
Help... :)
What is that statemask.
Hi MacGruber,
by external triggers there is the possibility to set a "State Mask". I tried this out, got an error message and now there are no more valid transitions in this idleposer setup. Debug info now shows: "No valid transitions; StateMask E"
Help... :)
What is that statemask.
States can be assigned to groups A,B,C, etc. When groups are assigned, by default, IdlePoser only transitions to another state if that state is in another group. Unless you specifically enable transitions within a group. The idea is that you can group variations of a particular pose into groups. Now StateMask allows you to enable/disable entire groups of states at once. If you disable the group the current state is in, IdlePoser will immediately transition. Of course for any transition to happen, you need to have a transition setup to get from the current to the new group.

And yeah, IdlePoser needs an updated tutorial ;)
Thx for reply,
so in my case no groups had been assigned and in-group transition was allowed for every state. The statemask by external trigger obviously did'nt allow any of my states to perform a transition. What is the command for the external trigger "set statemask" to remove the statemask? I think "clear" or something,
Hi Grubs, your plugin rocks :)
Little thing though - the states [in/out] connections look verbally confusing imo, [to/from] would be better clarity :)
Hi MacGruber, thank you for all your contributions to VaM! I just discovered your idle plugin and I am sorry to say I don't really get how to use it. I read your 10 page tutorial but I see that this is very outdated. I also saw your post awhile ago about making a video tutorial, so I was wondering if you ever got around to that.

Actually I think what would help noobs like me even more than a video tutorial would be a simple step-by-step instruction guide on how to do something simple, say having a model wave hello. I suspect that if I could be walked through how to do that from start to finish I could then figure out on my own how to do more complicated motions.

Anyhow, just a suggestion.
Sry, there isn't anything besides that outdated PDF. However, the basic principle hasn't changed, so that is still valid. Of course more features have been added, though. It may help to watch the LogicBricks StateMachine tutorials, as that has similar concepts. IdlePoser is a StateMachine where the transition between states isn't instant, but instead takes time and has some animation.

Making video tutorials requires a sh** load of time. While my estimate of about 6-8 hours per 10min of tutorial did hold true while making the LogicBricks tutorials, the concept of "Pay after watching, if you liked it!" didn't work out at all. It probably would need like an hour of tutorial to cover the basics and a number of some examples. So, this isn't economical to do in any case and I have way less available free time than I had a year ago. Can't really waste what little time I have on VaM anymore.

By the way, "having a model wave hello" with IdlePoser is not as simple as you may think. IdlePoser is supposed to be a system to change between idle poses. Of course it can be done, but not sure it would look good.
By the way, "having a model wave hello" with IdlePoser is not as simple as you may think.

Thanks, I probably misunderstood what the plugin is for. I'll look into the LogicBricks and StateMachine tutorials as you suggested.
strange, Save Settings work and the files are on the disk, but Load Settings doesn't show a single file? save\plugindata\idleposer is empty in VAM.
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