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Appearance Transformer

Plugins + Scripts Appearance Transformer


Well-known member
Clownmug submitted a new resource:

Appearance Transformer - Turns appearance presets into a simple transformable version.

So, this is my first attempt at a plugin. This one allows you to load a simplified version of an appearance preset that can be transformed with a slider. This was inspired by the awesome GenderSwapper and Appearance Loader plugins. It combines modified code from both into a single buggy abomination.

There's also an optional demo scene available that...

Read more about this resource...
Interesting. Is this capable of doing something like a werewolf transformation? Can the slider be controlled from a trigger, or Timeline?
LOVE this!

When sliding back Transform Progress it insta-crashed my VAM instance; I have the latest version of VAM and a high end PC. Let me know if you need any other details.

Thanks @Clownmug !
Interesting. Is this capable of doing something like a werewolf transformation? Can the slider be controlled from a trigger, or Timeline?

Yes, you can control it with triggers. I imagine a werewolf transformation is possible if it's just a morph and fur clothing/hair.
LOVE this!

When sliding back Transform Progress it insta-crashed my VAM instance; I have the latest version of VAM and a high end PC. Let me know if you need any other details.

Thanks @Clownmug !

Is it crashing with a particular appearance or just any appearance?
Is it possible for the default model to have clothes and hair without it overlapping with the transformed model (i.e. have the old hair and clothes disappear)? Or is bald and naked the only option currently? Either way, extremely cool plugin.
Is it possible for the default model to have clothes and hair without it overlapping with the transformed model (i.e. have the old hair and clothes disappear)? Or is bald and naked the only option currently? Either way, extremely cool plugin.

Bald and naked is when you don't have anything to transition to. If you add additional instances of the plugin you can have both transition at the same time to create the effect of transforming into a new appearance. The demo scene is a good example if you haven't taken a look yet.
Bald and naked is when you don't have anything to transition to. If you add additional instances of the plugin you can have both transition at the same time to create the effect of transforming into a new appearance. The demo scene is a good example if you haven't taken a look yet.
Ahh I see, so you basically need an instance of this plugin and decal maker for every look you want to transition between. Thanks!
Ok, I might be too dumb for it or misunderstood it's purpose :p

Goal is to morph between two different appearances of mine.
However, if I created the two instances, clothes and hair will not be re-established for the 1st appearance, only the morphs.

Nvm, got this to work, I don't have to add the default person before loading the appearance on the second instance. Just awesome, thank you!

Anyway, found some glitches:
- in general, some glossy effect is added to the transformed skin (see screenshots of original appearance and transformed one)
- when changing both Transform Progress values at the same time, skin of one model does not get loaded. Workaround: change only the slider for the target transform, see video


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Anyway, found some glitches:
- in general, some glossy effect is added to the transformed skin (see screenshots of original appearance and transformed one)

If the original appearance had modified the gloss or specular settings under "Skin Materials 2" then that may be why. Those settings aren't touched by the plugin currently and all appearances will have whatever is set in that tab.

- when changing both Transform Progress values at the same time, skin of one model does not get loaded. Workaround: change only the slider for the target transform, see video

This is due to separate Decal Maker plugins having their own rendering priority. One transform has to be 0% before the other reaches 100% in order for the textures to show properly. It's easier to use buttons and animations at the moment, not sure if there's a proper solution for sliders.
@Saint66 I found a way to use sliders. It requires using the ValueThreshold and Delay plugins from Macgruber's LogicBricks. The slider should be set to only do Transform Progress from 0-99% (and vice versa) while having the Value of ValueThreshold go 0-100%. When a Threshold is hit at 0% going down or 100% going up it will trigger Delay to push the Transform Progress to 100% a split second later.
@Saint66 I found a way to use sliders. It requires using the ValueThreshold and Delay plugins from Macgruber's LogicBricks. The slider should be set to only do Transform Progress from 0-99% (and vice versa) while having the Value of ValueThreshold go 0-100%. When a Threshold is hit at 0% going down or 100% going up it will trigger Delay to push the Transform Progress to 100% a split second later.
Ah ok, good catch. And thx for the explanations, will check the original gloss values ??
I've been looking for this for almost a month for something I wanted to do. Thanks for updating it, which brought it back into light for me. Will give it a review when I do use it.
btw what did you mean by
It combines modified code from both into a single buggy abomination.
any drawbacks.?
I've been looking for this for almost a month for something I wanted to do. Thanks for updating it, which brought it back into light for me. Will give it a review when I do use it.
btw what did you mean by

It combines modified code from both into a single buggy abomination.

I basically smashed two plugins together and made it work somehow. Just a disclaimer that there may be some weirdness in certain situations.

any drawbacks.?

Some weird things happen while testing like clothing not changing, but it's after having loaded like 20 different appearances across multiple instances of the plugin. Also, the other limitations mentioned in the resource description.
Clownmug updated Appearance Transformer with a new update entry:

Version 7

- Loading appearances should be slightly faster now
- Loading a scene that uses plugin should now perform slightly better
- Unchecking "Allow Hair Transform" or "Allow Clothing Transform" will now prevent hair and clothing from being loaded from preset
- Made the default sclera substitute color more white
- Fixed not loading specular and gloss textures for irises and sclera
- Fixed iris/sclera diffuse texture being loaded with substitute color values
- Fixed scale changing on removal of...

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Clownmug updated Appearance Transformer with a new update entry:

Version 8

- Added "Reload Appearance" button to quickly reload an appearance if needed
- Morphs will no longer be loaded if "Allow Morph Transform" is unchecked
- Substitution for built-in irises now uses a diffuse texture instead of a plain solid color
- Made some tweaks to demo scene to slightly improve performance
- Fixed clothing sim on/off setting only loading with default value
- Fixed custom textures not being loaded on clothing items

Read the rest of this update entry...
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