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    ~The VaMHub Moderation Team
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Main UI Breakdown

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  • Main UI Breakdown

    The “Main UI” is where you can save and load files, change preferences, and access global scene parameters.

    “Play Mode” on the Base_UI Hides all scene editing tabs from the Main UI. This mode is used for experiencing completed scenes.

    “Edit Mode” on the Base_UI displays all of VaM’s editing features in the Main UI. This is where a content creator will spend most of their time while building scenes.

    "File (Open/Save)" Opens the File dialog window.

    “User Preferences” Opens the User Preferences Window with several subtabs available to tweak performance, VR settings, miscellaneous settings and Security. Please follow the provided links for more information on each subtab:
    ”Performance” The Performance Tab This is where you can adjust settings that affect FPS playback.​
    "Performance 2" The Performance 2 Tab This is where you can access the Memory Optimization tools and settings.​
    ”Navigation” The Navigation Tab This tab has options for navigating your scene in Virtual Reality.​
    ”VR1” The Virtual Reality 1 Tab This tab has options for UI display in SteamVR and Oculus.​
    ”VR2” The Virtual Reality 2 Tab This tab has options for Leap Motion and VR hand display in game.​
    ”Misc” The Miscellaneous Tab Several UI visibility options, Daz studio paths and setting your creator name.​
    ”Security” The Security Tab This is where you enable online access. By default VaM does not allow web access.​

    ”Navigation” The Navigation panel contains specific Person possession options in VR that are not available from the Base_UI. As well as options relating specifically to movement in Virtual Reality.

    "Select" Opens the Selection screen. Displaying everything within your current screen so that you can quickly choose the Atom you are looking for. This is the same panel that is opened with the
    shortcut in the Base_UI .

    Session Plugins Presets Link goes here
    Session Plugins Link goes here

    "Scene Add Atom" Is the panel where you can add People, Props, Triggers, lights, Environments, etc to your current scene. This is the same panel referenced in the Base UI shortcut
    . a complete spread sheet of built in atoms is available here: VaM_Wiki_Atom_Library

    "Scene Lighting" This is where you can adjust global light settings for your scene.

    Scene Plugin Presets Link goes here

    "Scene Animation" is the central location for the animation settings in your scene. Subtabs include "Control" . "Edit" and "Triggers".

    "Scene Misc" Scene Miscellaneous contains settings for World Scale, Gravity, Grid Settings and Scene load options.

    "Scene Audio" This is where you can add external sound clips that can be called from any atom within the scene.
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