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    We have recently updated our Site Policies regarding the use of Non Commercial content within Paid Content posts. Please read the new policy here.

    An offical announcement about this new policy can be read on our Discord.

    ~The VaMHub Moderation Team
  • Hello Guest!

    We posted an announcment regarding upcoming changes to Paid Content submissions.

    Please see this thread for more information.


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  • Select


    The Select Panel is used to view and select from any of the components within your scene. It is also accessed from the Base UI
    “Select” button.


    The Left hand side “Atom” panel lists all the nodes within your scene.

    “Filter” Write the name of your target to quickly locate it within complex scenes. The numbers to the Right show the amount of atoms shown / total number of atoms in your scene.


    The Right hand side “Control” panel lists everything inside the selected atom that is available to select.

    “Filter” Write the name of your atoms sub parts to quickly locate it within the atom. The numbers to the Right show the amount of targets shown / total number of sub targets in your selected atom..

    “Select Last Added Atom” will select the last atom that you added to your scene.

    ”Show Hidden” toggling this on will show everything in your scene that has been set to “Hidden” in the atom control panel.

    ”Align Player On Select” When this is on your monitor view or viewpoint in VR will be aligned to look at the selected atom when selected. This toggle will affect your view when selecting in the scene even with this panel is closed.

    ”Open Selected UI on Select” will open the UI to the selected atom closing the select panel.

    ”Move Player on Select” When toggled on will move your monitor view or viewpoint in VR closer to the selected atom when selected. This will only work when “Align Player On Select” is toggled On. This toggle will affect your view when selecting in the scene even with this panel is closed.

    ”Align To Selected Now” This will snap your monitor or VR view to your selection.

    ”Align Rotation Offset (VR Only)” Options are: “Left, Right, or None” This setting affects only VR when you have “Align Player On Select” toggled on. It will automatically align the target to favor the Left, or Right Hand side of your view. When “None” is selected your view will be centered on the selected target.
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