Question Workflow for editing/using stock VaM animations elsewhere?


Active member
Some basic questions about the Animations tab I've had trouble finding the answers to:

1.) I see in the Animations tab there are several dozen included animations (dances, exercises, etc.) but I don't see a way to save or export any of these and then edit them with a plugin like Timeline or Animation Poser. Is this possible? Or if you save the animation as a scene, can that be imported into another plugin for editing? If those stock animations can be used elsewhere and edited I would be interested in knowing the correct workflow.

2.) Is the idea to set up something in the Animations tab and then switch over to Animation Presets to save it so it can be imported elsewhere? In that case do you keep the animation running as you switch over to Animation Presets?

3.) How do you change the length of the Animations? For example, suppose I want to start with the Idle to Jumping Jacks item for 3 seconds, then go to 20 seconds of Jumping Jacks then back to 3 seconds of Jumping Jacks to Idle? I must be blind because I don't see a way to do that within the Animations tab. I only see the Transitions option that maxes out at 5 seconds.
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