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Plugins + Scripts VoiceControl

Is there any way I can take a look at the complete source code for this plugin and play with it? I don't want to spend three months figuring out how to build a speech recognition system, from scratch in Visual Studio.

I want to add a default answer, and variations : " I'm sorry I don't know how to answer that". In chatbots, this answer massively increases the bot's flexibility. I can just about use XML, so trial and error, I can add this default answer to the engine.
@Hedgepig Thank you for clarifying the point about setting the windows default microphone. It should be listed in the plugins UI as the Active microphone anyway, but not everyone realises the importance of this.
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Is there any way I can take a look at the complete source code for this plugin and play with it? I don't want to spend three months figuring out how to build a speech recognition system, from scratch in Visual Studio.
Yes, it's quite simple. VaM's var files are just compressed archives in the same format used by WinRAR. Just open the plugins .var file using WinRAR (renaming a copy of the .var to .rar is the easiest way). Dig down into the enclosed folders heirarchy to 'Custom\Scripts\VeeRifter' and extract the file 'VoiceControl.cs'. Open this file in a text editor. I would recommend Notepad ++ for this.
It's strange. Speech rec is installed and set up. I have my Mic as default and even pointed VAM at it too. In the plugin it says it's active but I still get an error log saying my machine doesnt run speec rec. Im stumped
It's strange. Speech rec is installed and set up. I have my Mic as default and even pointed VAM at it too. In the plugin it says it's active but I still get an error log saying my machine doesnt run speec rec. Im stumped

Try this first, before doing anything else. Setting up your microphone for Windows Speech Recognition:

My memory isn't so good at the moment, but I'm fairly sure I did this step first before playing with SpeechRecogninition, in Windows and VAM.
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Try this first, before doing anything else. Setting up your microphone for Windows Speech Recognition:

My memory isn't so good at the moment, but I'm fairly sure I did this step first before playing with SpeechRecogninition, in Windows and VAM.

I guess I didnt do the Training part, that might be it. My question is do you have the little widget running while using vam?
I'm not sure its just the read-out aloud voice training part, I think you might need to start from absolute Step 1, at the very beginning- setting up your microphone. Try starting over again and when you have gone through all the steps, then read the window with Peter doing 'P' things. I haven't bothered with the much more detailed and involved fine tuning yet, after reading aloud the 'Peter doing P things' window, that task looks like it will take about an hour. Everything works without it, at least in VAM for me.
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I'm not sure what you mean by 'widget'.

please let everyone know if this solution works because it will save loads of VAM users asking the same question. The answer is not obvious, as is the case of many things in Windows.
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I'm not sure what you mean by 'widget'.

please let everyone know if this works because it will save loads of VAM users asking the same question. The answer is not obvious.

The widget is the little app thing that pops up at the top of your screen for speech rec. THAT works fine, I can open VAM fine with voice command but the dumb game wouldn't recognize it. I'll try fresh using that tute and see if it helps, though I think I got that part installed fine. Might be hardware, but thanks for the info. I bet there is a nugget of something I missed that will be covered in the tutorial.
Try MacGruber's Speech Recognition and see if you have the same problem? If neither work, then the problem is most likely to be in the Windows OS set up.

I restarted my PC, and then went through all the steps, again. And like magic, it worked.
The widget is the little app thing that pops up at the top of your screen for speech rec. THAT works fine, I can open VAM fine with voice command but the dumb game wouldn't recognize it. I'll try fresh using that tute and see if it helps, though I think I got that part installed fine. Might be hardware, but thanks for the info. I bet there is a nugget of something I missed that will be covered in the tutorial.
Did you also ensure that VAM's desktop window definitely has focus ?
Try left mouse clicking somewhere outside of VAM's window. You should then you see the HUD 'loss of focus' warning appear (That's if you have it enabled in the plugin UI).
Left click once again inside VAM's window this time, and the warning will disappear. VAM window now has focus.
Did you also ensure that VAM's desktop window definitely has focus ?
Try left mouse clicking somewhere outside of VAM's window. You should then you see the HUD 'loss of focus' warning appear (That's if you have it enabled in the plugin UI).
Left click once again inside VAM's window this time, and the warning will disappear. VAM window now has focus.

I've done everything I could think of (that included) along with Hedges advice and still no dice. Speech rec works great outside of vam but for some reason vam doesn't see it as supported on my machine. It's a legit copy of 10 too so it's not that either.

One thing I was wondering was if there are any updates I might need for python or .net (not sure if they interact here). Also if I should have the speech rec window open but "off" while I start vam. Right now I have it running in the background but i turn it off so its not trying to follow kinky orders on my desktop.
hello, I do not understand anything, the demo does not work and I cannot find VoiceTrigger 0.1 thank you
I give up. After days of trying to figure it out I can't make any headway. Neither voice control or speechreg work with vam for me so I guess it's just one cool thing I cant use lol. Cortana and everything work fine but not vam. Im just stumped.
I give up. After days of trying to figure it out I can't make any headway. Neither voice control or speechreg work with vam for me so I guess it's just one cool thing I cant use lol. Cortana and everything work fine but not vam. Im just stumped.
Do you have a voice package installed ?

I give up. After days of trying to figure it out I can't make any headway. Neither voice control or speechreg work with vam for me so I guess it's just one cool thing I cant use lol. Cortana and everything work fine but not vam. Im just stumped.

Can you post a screenshot of how your microphone is set up in the Windows Speech Recognition panel, on your PC?
Can you post a screenshot of how your microphone is set up in the Windows Speech Recognition panel, on your PC?

As a side note, I have updated my unity kit from the hub. Installed fresh python and pyaudio. Reinstalled cortana and still no dice.
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Have you seen this ? It's a page in Windows Set Up Speech Recognition.

Control Panel ->Ease of Access -> Speech Recognition -> Set up microphone

Above the 'Set up microphone' is Start Speech Recognition followed various steps. Maybe try working though those again? Sorry, this must be incredibly frustrating for you; Microsoft don't make some things simple and commonsense for users do they?


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Should I start speech rec before I launch vam? I have the little app thing running but its set to off otherwise windows will try to do shit.

Thing is, I know the mic works. Cortana works, and the plugin even says it sees the mic, but the plugin doesnt load right. Shoots me errors in the log
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Yes, but is your microphone set up for Speech Recognition in the Ease of Access control panel in you PC? I'm not an expert in Windows Speech Recognition, I'm just experimenting with it for bot building. What I know is, the speech recognition plugin in VAM wouldn't work for me without first setting up Ease of Access on my PC. After I went through the Ease of Access steps, it worked in VAM. This may, or may not solve your problem because you could have another issue that is stopping the plugin working working, but my guess is whatever it is it will be in need of configuration in your PC, not the plugin. Trust me the plugin works. So try configuring speech recognition in Ease of Access in you PC before using MacGruber's plugin in VAM.

Wait ... are you using Evil Corp, or The Speech Recognition plugin? I coudn't get Evil Corp to work either, but Vrifter's and Macgruber's speech recognition plugins both worked after setting up the mic.
What do the errors look like? On opening a scene I get errors telling me all my audio files won't load, but they actually do load and they work in lipsync and head audio source etc. After start up, no more audio file errors, and a blue panel telling me y audio files have loaded and are ready to play. Can you send a screenshot of your errors, please?
What do the errors look like? On opening a scene I get errors telling me all my audio files won't load, but they actually do load and they work in lipsync and head audio source etc. After start up, no more audio file errors, and a blue panel telling me y audio files have loaded and are ready to play. Can you send a screenshot of your errors, please?
So, have you tried setting up Speech Recognition in Windows Ease of Access, in your PC's Settings, and done all the steps onward from that panel?

Settings Panel (type in and search)->Ease of Access -> Speech Recognition -> (next steps)...
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