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Question VAM action game


New member
I'm new to VAM but I'm already impressed with it and its capabilities. But seeing that it's possible to create interactive scenes I was wondering if anyone think it's possible to create an actual action game such as a simple boxing game or some kind of bdsm game where the character reacts to the players actions with actions of her own. VAM already has all the physics, animations and it seems to be able to respond to player input so that's pretty much all you need to create simple action games. Any ideas anyone?
Yes, that is possible with custom plugins, just a lot of work, which is why nobody did that so far.

However, you have to think that BDSM game one step further by including external devices. VaM can control thinks like vibrators or e-stim so there can be real consequences. Also you can track head and hand movement (even legs with more trackers). Kneeling in front of your mistress gets an entirely new meaning, if you get e-stim shocks if you don't behave.
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my two cents, I am coder, encouraged by seeing this forum (found it today) and place to discuss questions like this.

Someone else will probably beat me to it, but I'm pretty determined to *try* what you are suggesting(action of any type, game-like) . Been stewing over it awhile now, also just starting to code up in VAM. Some of the more advanced scenes approach that level of interaction.
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That sounds interesting. But I think that the elements for some sort of fighting game already exist. There's the blushing and tears plugin, the compliance and relax plugin for knockdown and knockouts. Collision triggers are built in. All we need is some sort of AI system and of course some punching or hitting animations which shouldn't be too hard compared to the complex animations I have seen on some scenes. If anything someone should make a sexy catfight scene if there's anyone into that kind of stuff. 😄
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shouldn't be too hard compared to the complex animations I have seen on some scenes.
Animations I have seen to far are either (from a tech perspective) simple linear sequences (although a lot of effort went into making them) or they a bunch of CycleForce or AnimationPattern atoms, which is even simpler. With my Life plugin collection (Gaze, Breathing and IdlePoser) I'm trying to get into the area of dynamic animation that can react to what the player is doing, but this is still a long way from staging a box fight game. Also nobody has yet build what I would consider a serious scene with these plugins, including myself. It's possibly I have just missed a scene like that, much is hidden behind paywalls, but I doubt it, the tech is simply not there.
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There was such a plugin, "compliance". He was animating the character. You can look at the link, the process is shown at 8 minutes.
This is not ideal, but it greatly simplifies interactions.
Unfortunately I can't find this plugin on the site. They say it was deleted. If anyone has it, or knows where to get it. I will be grateful.
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There was such a plugin, "compliance". He was animating the character. You can look at the link, the process is shown at 8 minutes.
This is not ideal, but it greatly simplifies interactions.
Unfortunately I can't find this plugin on the site. They say it was deleted. If anyone has it, or knows where to get it. I will be grateful.

i have one of the latest compliance scripts in an older VaM folder, im not sure if i am allowed to share it though. if you could find out which licensing it had then ill maybe be able to upload it for you here.
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This is not needed anymore because it's now included in VAM directly without any plugins.
1) Select atom
2) Tab Control
3) click on Key Joint : Comply
This should do the trick.
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