No. He's saying that making a VAR with a appearance preset and another with a scene to showcase the appearance preset is a better way to do it than having all into a single VAR.
Let's say a VAR with only the appearance preset has 5 dependencies (hair, skin, etc), and a separate scene showcase VAR has 20 dependencies (environment, clothing, assets, etc).
Someone who only wants the appearance preset only needs to get 5 dependencies, while if you packed appearance preset
and scene all in one VAR, then they'd need 20 dependencies. Of those 20 dependencies, 5 are for the appearance preset, and someone who only wanted the look would have to get 15 more unneeded dependencies.
Even though most people bundle a appearance preset with a showcase scene, many even just a scene, and people are used to this practice, being different VARs is the better practice for a quality release.
As for non-hub dependencies, see the guide:
Intro There is a recurring issue with VAR packaging. No one's to blame, really, as there is no guide on how to make a "good" VAR package. I'll try to remedy to that. In short, this guide is for you: If you’re about to post a resource starting...