Uploading a small scene but has 55 dependencies?


I've never uploaded to the hub before so not the faintest clue on how to do it right. After watching a YT vid on using the package builder I was able to create the .VAR file for a scene I've created. I then uploaded to the Hub only to find out that this scene contained 55 dependencies! Some of which I've never even seen before. After going into the meta.json and scene.json I can see where they all link. I've used one morph but it has 10+ other dependencies. What can I do?
Luckily then others made guides for you to see:

Fo that morph with the 10 dependencies that's pretty simple, don't use it or find a alternative, preferably a built-in morph.
Luckily then others made guides for you to see:

Fo that morph with the 10 dependencies that's pretty simple, don't use it or find a alternative, preferably a built-in morph.

Thank you so much! I managed to get it down from 55 to 7 dependencies!! I have to say, its a real pain.
Anything done right requires a little more work. May be a pain because you just learned it, but as you make new things the improved structure will take very little extra effort and provide a lot of benefits.
One of those benefits is that you're much more likely to have people reviewing positively and downloading, as they see you package things well and that's a sign you care for the resource you made, not just throwing something in that will create a mess for them.
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