Sometimes, VAM starts to saturate my memory (64 Gigas)
I don't know what you're doing (since you did not clarify it in your answer), but I would be extremely curious how the hell you can saturate 64gigs of RAM with VAM.
I've been working years with VAM and prior to having 64gigs I never ever saw VAM saturating 32 gigs, and since I'm on 64 gigs, I'm still not even close to ever seeing VAM go above 32. And I'm working with very intensive scenes.
I could even go further: working with UE4/5, I've never seen a game engine in editor going further than 36gigs, and we're talking about scenes with several thousands of entities... not the tiny amount of shits we got in VAM
Also amount of materials used in scene is a big impact for performance, if you have a lot materials on assets you get bad perfomace, also any alphasorting or transparency is a hard process for engine.
Collisions probably biggest problem in vam for CPU. Collisions for meshes should be simplified I recommend combining simplified versions of your collision into several large colliders in to blender (2-3 per for scene), according to my observations is best for CPU.
Don't scare people for nothing

Even tho what you're saying is kind of true. VAM scenes are barely on par with any retail games when it comes to
amount of entities, colliders, materials, and so on. Let's assume Marina works with like 50/60 props and a bunch of basic shapes to build the enviro, if anything is dropping the frametime badly here, it's not that there is too much materials or transparency, it's that something in those props is badly made and far too expensive for what it is.
Most of my enviros are running with a bunch of mesh colliders, and dozens of collisions, and a bunch of materials. This has never been a problem.
The last potential problem could be the amount of atoms. But we have made scenes in the past with over 200 atoms and the game was handling it quite nicely.
Optimizing your assets is important, this is true.
But at the scale of VAM IF you are not doing something extremely wrong with materials or meshes or shaders, it's highly unlikely you will feel it.
To be completely honest: yes, there are assets on the hub that are very badly made and can kill your vam just with a single instance.