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Plugins + Scripts ShakeIt


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CheesyFX submitted a new resource:

ShakeIt - Automatic body jiggeling

This plugin simulates body physics on the legs, arms and belly based on the acceleration of the associated rigidbody. It works for any kind of movement and is fully automated. It doesn't quire any aditional setup. You can adjust the various parameters to your liking, though.

The plugin is inspired by ParticlePinnacles thigh compressor and vibrations and I used some of his morphs to make this happen. So...

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strange, all plugins work for me except yours.
an error message with the following content:
file manager secure......get package version in [unknow] [10.48]
I unpacked the var archive and then the error message was:
.....does not contain a definition for get package version in cheesyutils.cs [10.48]
my virtamate version is
Hey, i would suggest you update VAM. Your version is pretty old. Perhaps the method you mentioned was introduced later. If this doesn't help please copy paste the whole error log.
Nice plugin, however I seem to have a little problem with plugin slider settings not saving with the scene (which should be priority 1). Are they being registered correctly for inclusion ? Seem that the only values being saved in the scene.json are for the plugins non-default morph values.
Also, a saved preset will not appear in the browser if 'Skip Screenshot' option is used when saving, even though the .si file does exist. Only gets listed if an associated .jpg exists too.
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No the glutes are currently not included, since they already have physics. Same as breasts. But i plan to show them some love too :)
Yeah, that isn't really a bug. As of now, I couldn't figure out how e.g. the scene browser shows the .json file names but replaces the generic grey sheet with the .jpg if one exists. If I make the plugin search for .si files i always get the grey sheet, regarless if there is a .jpg present. So I decided to only display (and search) for .jpg files, which unfortunately means no .jpg = nothing is found.
I would gladly have the best of both worlds, so if you know how to replicate the behaviour of the scene browser let me know!

All I could do for now is to show all file types, but then the .jpg and the .si would both be visible, which is not what i want. I'll look into it once again, but this is not on top of my priority list. More options for customization, more morphs/regions and male support are far more valuable, do you agree? ;)
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I have 2 questions for you guys, how this plugin should evolve:
  1. Most of the regions consist of 3 independent subregions (e.g. lower thigh, mid and upper thigh) and I want to give you some more control over these. Right now they all jiggle synchonized, but have hard coded scaling factors for their strength.
    Is it enough if I just expose these scaling factors or would you rather have full control over all parameters for all subregions? E.g. different damping values or even frequencies. The latter can sometimes look good, but often leads to the subregions jiggeling with a phase offset of Pi (opposite direction).
    Right now i tend to give you full control, but the ui would be rather complex in this case, since each tab in the top bar would be split into three. I could, on the other hand, also give you the option to edit all subregions at once.

  2. I could give you the abilitly to make asymmetric presets. Would you consider that useful? The only use case I see is if your character is wearing silly pants with only one thight leg or something. But on the long run I want to enable auto loading of presets if a clothing item is equipped or undressed, and in this scenario it could come handy. But same as above, the UI would be more complex, to the pont that you maybe have a hard time keeping track of what you are editing right now.

So what do you think?
And please don't take too much effort in creating presets right now. The next update will almost certainly invalidate them.
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I think assymetrical can be super useful if that allows for different amounts of jiggle for each leg/butt cheek. for example, slapping one cheek, or one thigh, i'd expect that thigh or cheek to jiggle much more than the other. If you can break it up like that it would be sick.

talking about buttocks, would be nice to have the same vibration/jiggle present in the thigh compression plugin, same withe breasts. the breast and buttock physics wobble, but don't have the same jiggle that looks great in the thigh compression plugin.
Also, it looks like when loading in the plugin, there's a perpetual jiggle even if the person isn't moving. the thighs continue to jiggle, believe thigh compression plugin had a similar issue initially
@Cca The first thing you described is naturally implemented, since the jiggeling is computed based on the acceleration of the corresponding rigidbody (collider). So if you slap the right leg it should jiggle more than the left one. The jiggeling of the left thigh is not tied to the other side in any way, besides, if you slap hard, the hip will also move and so will the left thigh. This leads to jiggeling on the left side due to the secondary movement you implied. Of course, the right leg is moving because you slapped it, so you won't notice the jiggeling as much as in the other side, which is almost static.
The asymmetric preset I was talking about refers more to the case where e.g. one leg is restricted from jiggeling because of thight pants, while the other one can jiggle freely. So you could set the strenght of the first to nearly zero and the other one to the value you consider appropriate for your look if naked.

As I said above, the glutes and breasts are not yet included. All the jiggeleing you see is from vanilla VAM (or other plugins). Before I take a look at these, I want to complete the other regions that naturally don't have physics.

Perpetual jiggle: Could you please tell me about the scene you are getting these results with? Is there a constant collision happening? What region(s) are we talking about? If you have a thick cock penetrating your model this can also lead to a constant collision of the thigh rigidbody. Try to up the minAccel a little, so that these minor values get filtered out.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback!
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@CheesyFX okay yeah it seems to be happening again. it happens when the thighs touch, so I'm guessing yeah, constant collisioning, unfortunately it doesn't look like raising the min accel is helping :0
Hey, i would suggest you update VAM. Your version is pretty old. Perhaps the method you mentioned was introduced later. If this doesn't help please copy paste the whole error log.
ParticlePinnacles just made their vibro plugin, it works great for me. This is the first time I've encountered a broken plugin! I don’t want to update, there is a risk that as a result I will get a lot of broken scenes.
ParticlePinnacles just made their vibro plugin, it works great for me. This is the first time I've encountered a broken plugin! I don’t want to update, there is a risk that as a result I will get a lot of broken scenes.
The plugin is not broken. It's just not backwards compatible with older versions of VAM. Why not download the latest version of VAM into a different folder instead of updating your existing install. That way you can migrate and test your scenes wothout fear of losing anything.
If it's really necessary I could see if I can avoid the method "GetPackageVersion", as this is not available in older versions. But I honestly think you should update instead. VAM runs A LOT quicker for me now, especially if you search for something like a plugin or a scene. And I never encountered a broken scene.

Of course, you can always use ParticlePinnacles plugin if you want.
I have 2 questions for you guys, how this plugin should evolve:
  1. Most of the regions consist of 3 independent subregions (e.g. lower thigh, mid and upper thigh) and I want to give you some more control over these. Right now they all jiggle synchonized, but have hard coded scaling factors for their strength.
    Is it enough if I just expose these scaling factors or would you rather have full control over all parameters for all subregions? E.g. different damping values or even frequencies. The latter can sometimes look good, but often leads to the subregions jiggeling with a phase offset of Pi (opposite direction).
    Right now i tend to give you full control, but the ui would be rather complex in this case, since each tab in the top bar would be split into three. I could, on the other hand, also give you the option to edit all subregions at once.

  2. I could give you the abilitly to make asymmetric presets. Would you consider that useful? The only use case I see is if your character is wearing silly pants with only one thight leg or something. But on the long run I want to enable auto loading of presets if a clothing item is equipped or undressed, and in this scenario it could come handy. But same as above, the UI would be more complex, to the pont that you maybe have a hard time keeping track of what you are editing right now.

So what do you think?
And please don't take too much effort in creating presets right now. The next update will almost certainly invalidate them.
Hello, I personally think it would be better to adjust the inner and outer thighs separately. However, my testing time was very short, and it is possible that the plugin already has such adjustment options
@Cca Hmm, I'm sorry. For now I can't do anything for you I fear. Just play with the values until you get a satisfying result. The physics rate also has an effect.
Is the scene on the hub so that I can have a look myself?
@vvs123 Nice idea. Right now the inner, outer, front and back regions are linked (one combined morph). It would make sense to separate them for the x,y and z direction, but not so much for the rotation. I have to think about that.
Hi thanks for your awesome plugin but currently I can't get it to work im getting this error:

!> Compile of CheesyFX.ShakeIt.3:/Custom/Scripts/CheesyFX/ShakeIt.cslist failed. Errors:
!> [CS117]: `MVR.FileManagementSecure.FileManagerSecure' does not contain a definition for `GetPackageVersion' in <Unknown> at [10, 48]

!> Compile of CheesyFX.ShakeIt.3:/Custom/Scripts/CheesyFX/ShakeIt.cslist failed. Errors:
!> [CS117]: `MVR.FileManagementSecure.FileManagerSecure' does not contain a definition for `GetPackageVersion' in <Unknown> at [10, 48]
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