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Question Setting clothing triggers in timeline.


I'm making a scene that has 4 animations.
Ive been trying to figure out how to trigger things and figured out how to basically get this scene to work.
Basically the character pulls her shorts down and then her underwear. Nothing too fancy but getting the layers to work and the timing is tricky.
Also they have to reset when I drag the slider back.
I just wanted to know if I'm doing this right or if there's an easier way or any redundancies.

The shorts and underwear are both set in the clothing tab with sim unchecked and undress checked.

The first animation is just character1 walking to character 2. I used the Synthia plugin but had to record it in real time because i couldn't get it to work with triggers.
Then second animation is the tricky part.

Anim 2.

Frame 1 triggers
-Shorts - sim- reset.
-Shorts - sim- uncheck sim
-Underwear - sim - reset
-Underwear - sim - uncheck sim.
-Underwear - material - hide material.
-Clothgrab sphere left - On - unchecked.
-Clothgrab sphere right - On - unchecked.

Frame 50 triggers.
(Hands grab shorts)
-Shorts - sim checked.
-Underwear - hide material unchecked.
-Clothgrab sphere- On-left -checked.
-Clothgrab sphere-On- right -checked.

Hands move down her thighs.

Frame 70 triggers
-Clothgrab spheres right-unchecked.
-Clothgrab spheres left-unchecked.

Hands back up.

Frame 80 triggers. (Hands grab underwear now)
Clothgrab sphere right - On checked.
Clothgrab sphere left - On- checked
Underwear - sim - checked.

Frame 100 triggers
Clothgrab sphere right -on- unchecked
Clothgrab sphere left - on- unchecked.

Then I might go in after and as triggers to make the clothing stop around the knees and stay there.
Im thinking one for turning the friction to 100%. I assume I then have to add one at frame 1 that changes friction back to normal?

Also, will the clothing still be down when it goes to anim 3?

This way seems to work but I could be doing it wrong.
I would suggest you use Alpha to -1 instead of "hide material". I find that "hide material" can mess up some clothing, but you're hitting "reset" sometimes so possibly that's okay :unsure:. Anyway, Alpha always works, that's my suggestion.
If you want a example of undressing using ClothGrabSpheres, my scene "Don't take my phone" does that, you can take a look at it if something's not working in yours.
Making the clothes stay positioned somewhere is the tricky part, the CGS may work to force it somewhere, but if the model moves around much it may also push on it. You'll have to see what can work.
If things work, they're not wrong. Perhaps they may introduce other issues, but if it works, it works :)

When you say Frame X triggers, why do you have so many triggers?
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I would suggest you use Alpha to -1 instead of "hide material". I find that "hide material" can mess
When you say Frame X triggers, why do you have so many triggers?

Do you mean the frame number? I guess I meant second 1 and not frame 1. I only have the triggers listed at 1 second, 50 seconds, 70 seconds etc.

I'm wondering if it would be better to have the Clothgrab spheres parented to the characters hips and then animate them to move down and then stay at the knees rather then parenting them to her hands.
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Ah, I read it as having X triggers, not Frame X ?
Was imagining you had tens of triggers there; I should not reply in the forum so early in the morning.

How and why you parent them to something will depend on the overal scene, you'll need to judge what works best. They can be part of a animation pattern if you want them to be controlled separately too. There's advantages and disadvantages all around.
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