Poll: Do you use VaM mostly in VR or Non-VR mode?

Do you use VaM mostly in VR or desktop mode?

  • VR Mode

    Votes: 85 51.8%
  • Non-VR Mode

    Votes: 58 35.4%
  • I use both modes evenly

    Votes: 21 12.8%

  • Total voters
Just curious about which demographic is larger. Some scenes work great in VR and some work better in non-vr. This makes me think vr vs non-vr usage it's just about even.
When I first started using VAM, I didn't realize there was a desktop mode for at least a couple months. Wish I knew early on as that would have sped the learning process a bit for me. Trying to be in VR while searching and reading Reddit or watching videos isn't so great when you have to remove an HMD for every little learning experience.

Nowadays, when creating a scene, I generally use Desktop mode for doing just about everything except creating new animations with AcidBubble's timeline and fine tuning placements of atoms. I also check out a lot of the HUB downloads first in Desktop mode, noting which vars I want to check out in VR. Saving VR time for enjoyment purposes mostly. I probably spend 90% of my time in Desktop mode. I love both modes for what they offer.
It is the opposite to me. I love to be in VR, so I find myself more and more using the VR-desktop in the Steam-VR dashboard to look for things being outside of VaM, like files or images or even the internet... though, I confess, it is a bit painfull to write long text with the VR keyboard, and using Photoshop is very clunky, too ;)
Desktop Mode vs VR creating content is not easy to handle since what you see in desktop must not work in VR . So often in sex scenes which are created in "desktop only" characters gens are out or entire wrong placed when playing in vr.

Dunno why that is.
Perhaps a unfixed VAM tech issue.

I am VR only if i create my own scenes. Since that works in VR "and" also in desktop mode then regarding genitals insertion / positions etc.
For looks its mixed. Clothing undressing as a example is vr only workflow for me since everything else is a pain in 2D desktop due to the missing 3D depth adding the cloth grab sphere(s) . You mostly miss the correct body position in 2D then and its so much easier in vr to handle this.
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I don't disagree with any of the comments. If there was a better way to type in VR, it would be a no-brainer for me...as positioning atoms is way, way easier in VR than messing with the axis-based move controls, which is so clunky. I think the experience probably even varies between VR platforms, as I've switched between oculus and WMR and how you move around, or teleport, etc is slightly different between them. You inevitably need to name your atoms, write descriptions, etc...which really is awful in VR on the on-screen keyboard. I'd accept voice recognition typing, but even that is a bit odd depending on your surroundings. I do ok in desktop mode, but eventually I want to see how it shows in 3D, and I cant imagine not ever even looking at it there.
Mostly desktop and I have a very nice 34 inch monitor. I have a very nice VR setup too, but since this is pron after all, I'm used to looking at it on a desktop and mess around in VR now and then just for funz.

As nice as VR is, until they make a NEAR weightless headset, having it on for any length of time over a few minutes sucks balls.
100% vr here. Some creators, and even prolific ones, clearly don't use VR though... hints are scenes with postmagic activated, scenes where you have to use keyboard .. or scenes with that weird bokeh thing that only makes senses if you are in one specific spot and dont move :)
I don't disagree with any of the comments. If there was a better way to type in VR, it would be a no-brainer for me...as positioning atoms is way, way easier in VR than messing with the axis-based move controls, which is so clunky. I think the experience probably even varies between VR platforms, as I've switched between oculus and WMR and how you move around, or teleport, etc is slightly different between them. You inevitably need to name your atoms, write descriptions, etc...which really is awful in VR on the on-screen keyboard. I'd accept voice recognition typing, but even that is a bit odd depending on your surroundings. I do ok in desktop mode, but eventually I want to see how it shows in 3D, and I cant imagine not ever even looking at it there.
replying to my own post, I found this gadget. I'll let you all know how it goes
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