Loading scenes, sometimes UI can't open anymore


New member
Any idea what that could be? Lately when i open scenes (never the first one, just after a random amount) the UI button is dead. I can click it, get the clicking animation on the button, but nothing opens. At that point I can only ALT+F4, cause I can't turn the programm off without the red button and also can't try to load something else. Everything works, just the menu overlay does not open.
Did you try doing a configuration reset and if that's not enough a core integrity check from vam_updater.exe?
Did you try doing a configuration reset and if that's not enough a core integrity check from vam_updater.exe?

I did not. Didn't even know about that, so I'm going to try that. Thanks.

Update: It still does it. The reset and integrity stuff was still a good tip, cause everything opens a bit smoother now.
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I have no idea on what might be happening, never had such a problem. Try seeing the error log if something's off.
In VR, I have noticed this in certain scenes the UI will not show when I press the menu button on my controller. I found that moving around in the scene, and finding a certain location within the scene, the UI will reappear. The menu will disappear as soon as I leave the location again. At least I can exit the scene without forcing VAM to close.

Maybe someone else has some more insight. I just started looking into this myself.
99.999% sure it's because of Post Magic in the scene. Kill the plugin.
Could be in any atom, but usually the atom name gives a tip it might be the one.
99.999% sure it's because of Post Magic in the scene. Kill the plugin.
Could be in any atom, but usually the atom name gives a tip it might be the one.
This fixed the problem for me. Killed Post Magic in the Scene Plugins and menu control returned. Thank you!
How do you kill the plugin in the scene if the menu doesnt open? I'm having the same problem
Only fix I found for that is restarting VAM entirety then UI works which sucks can't kill a plugin if UI won't even respond fwi who ever has this problem
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