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Question Lips & Mouth Stuck?


New member
Hey I'm a Noob at this. I just want to replace the characters in scenes with models I downloaded. I do this by saving their appearance and then loading them into the scene. It works pretty well but a lot of the models I downloaded have their lips stuck or their mouth posed in a way that's awkward, like a kissy face. Their mouths don't change when I load the appearance or even when I change their poses.

How can I disable whatever is making their lips stuck in position?

Before saving an appearance what is the most optimal settings to go through to make that appearance virtually interchangeable for every scene?
(I'm aware that height and other measurements can also cause issues)

Essentially, How do I make an appearance "default" in order to make them usable for scenes?
So you're saying that when you save a appearance preset and for example load the default template scene with the blonde lady in blue clothing, when you change her appearance the lips and mouth are like a kissy duck face?
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