• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Is there some high definition panoramic skydome?

You can import your own via Unity. Here is a tutorial:

  1. Find some sky to use, e.g. from https://polyhaven.com/hdris
  2. Import via Unity into VaM, see "High Resolution Skies" section of the tutorial. You end up with an AssetBundle that you load via CustomUnityAsset atom. This is just the background, if you want also global illumination, you also need to do the following:
  3. Once in VaM, use SkyMagic Exporter to take a cubemap screenshot of the sky, potentially with some larger parts of your scene (like house sized things, but not characters or smaller)
  4. Import into Unity using SkyMagic Importer, as described in the tutorial
  5. Export the ReflectionProbe as AssetBundle, e.g. in the same one you used above as both files are used together
  6. Load the RefelctionProbe with a second CustomUnityAsset. This is a low-res blurry version of the sky used for global illumination.
  7. If you pick an outdoor scene I recommend to play some matching bird/wind sounds....simple, but this can do lot
  8. Profit!

You can get SkyMagic here:
@MacGruber Thanks for your reply Mac! SkyMagic is awesome (as all your other plugins) but... i don't want to install Unity (at least for now...)
Hi, you may want to take a look at these examples. They are a bit old, so no guarantee.
I think the rason why this kind of stuff isn't that popular is, because you are floating in the middle of the box/sphere, the scene is 360 degrees but not 3d and the overall visual style is not fitting seamless to VaM. IMHO it is killing the immersion quite a bit. For me it was pretty fun to play with them for a short time, but then I never touched them again.
Nevertheless, some of them will work as background for environments that have no skybox, but for this purpose I usually better choose one of the build-in VaM scene skys.

But take a look for yourselfe:

Thanks for your reply Toby... sadly i wasn't able to download none of them. Can't find the download link and, the last one, redirect to a patreon page.

I agree with you about the bad bidimensional effect. Indeed i'm looking for something to use just as bg. With panoramic landscapes, the effect is not so bad since the human eyes can't effectively see the 3D shape of very far objects.

I like terraces, balcony and rooms with glass walls... ☺
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