instant crash when loading after switching computers


New member
so I recently upgraded my pc and moved the drives around and now when i try to load a scene or a plugin in the default scene it immediately crashes please help.
You need to share more information about your situation to be able to help you.
When does it crash? Any errors that may explain it? Anything else that may help debug.
You need to share more information about your situation to be able to help you.
When does it crash? Any errors that may explain it? Anything else that may help debug.
so i just updated my drivers and vam and windows still doesn't work. where it dies is i load in to the default scene it and try to add a plugin to the person already there then my entire pc freezes and i have to hold the power button to reset my pc because i cant even alt+f4 it.
You need to share more information about your situation to be able to help you.
When does it crash? Any errors that may explain it? Anything else that may help debug.
and i don't know where to look for errors because sometimes it has a pop up for a half second and closes fine and others it blue screens my pc or it freezes the entire thing.
after look a bit the errors i can find are: it cant find the Mono folder in vam_data because it doesn't exist for some reason, "Could not load symbol mono_unity_unlock_dynamic_function_access_tables64 : The specified procedure could not be found." , "The Mono DLL at 'D:\folders\vam\Mono\EmbedRuntime\mono.dll' does not provide out-of-process stack information support." , and a lot of "Attempt to access invalid address".
Ok, so VaM doesn't crash, your computer freezes or has a blue screen, which is a much worse result.

Did you say you used a fresh download of VaM to try it out?
Ok, so VaM doesn't crash, your computer freezes or has a blue screen, which is a much worse result.

Did you say you used a fresh download of VaM to try it out?
yes i tried a new install. but sometimes vam crashes and leaves my pc not blue screened or frozen.


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Do you have a option to turn the memory speed down in the bios to 2000 mhz then try. Keep increasing until you crash again
took me a while to find the option in the new bios and now it works much better at 3000. but my question still is why does it become so unstable at higher speeds? i just got ram that can do 7200 and now i have to nerf it to 3000 just to not immediately crash when doing anything in vam.
I havve 6800 and yave to run it a little alower even after the bios update, think some is due to 2 sticks vs 4 sticks, had better performance with two.
If your memory sticks are mismatched in speed, or simply not performing up to the advertised spec, then all sorts of bad things can happen when you have a program like Vam that really sucks up a lot and pounds on it hard. Most memory sticks now are installed in pairs. Make sure you installed them according to the MB manufacturer's instructions for which ones go where. If slots 1 and 3 are supposed to be a set, and you installed a set in 1 and 2, that's bad.
If your memory sticks are mismatched in speed, or simply not performing up to the advertised spec, then all sorts of bad things can happen when you have a program like Vam that really sucks up a lot and pounds on it hard. Most memory sticks now are installed in pairs. Make sure you installed them according to the MB manufacturer's instructions for which ones go where. If slots 1 and 3 are supposed to be a set, and you installed a set in 1 and 2, that's bad.
i am 95% sure i put them in the right spot according to the mb guide but i will look again
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