Answered How to pose arms, elbows, other stubborn body parts?


Active member
I watched the posing tutorial by Captain Varghoss and am able to move and pose several body parts like hands, feet and the head but when I try to pose arms and elbows I have trouble, the parts snap back into place no matter what I do. I assume there was something left out of the tutorial about this, such as a switch or something I need to turn off that gives more freedom in posing, so can someone enlighten me on this?

Ideally it would be great if I had total control over a body to pose as I wish, with the understanding that the human body is not meant to be in certain positions of course. Any tips on how to do this would be appreciated! Perhaps there is a plugin that makes this easier?
Those controllers are turned off by default. You have to select them and in the control 1 tab you can check on for position and/ or rotation.
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Oh, I guess I'm having a "duh" moment. Never really noticed those control boxes with the check marks or knew what they did. Thanks!
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