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Question How to edit the position of clothing


New member
Hi, as the title says, is there a way to edit the position on a body of an existing clothing item? Thanks.
If the clothing is sim enabled you can customize the physics settings for effect. You can also use cloth grab spheres ( misc category ) to grab part of the cloth and pull it in desired location. With the sphere turned on (check box in control 1 ) select scale to size the sphere then move it so that the sphere overlaps the clothing part you want to move. Then turn sphere off and back on to grab the cloth. you should be able to move the sphere and the connected cloth now. I use this to pull the clothing over the nipple that clips through then parenting the sphere to the nipple control . Note: any action that freezes physics will break the link between sphere and cloth so I usually save this for last stage of set up.
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Thanks, but what I meant was how to make a clothing item appear on a different part of the body. e.g. some fluid items are clothing but I would like them to be in different locations.
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Not possible. The clothing item is designed to be on a specific part of the body (hat=head, not beneath - on top). You can only adjust the distance to the body, not the position.
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How I understand things work, no. Clothings are created ON a body. You dont create pants and then edit a settings file where you can choose between the body parts.

You have to use 3D software to change the position. Just watch a video of how clothings are created.
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