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Question How do I make a var to share my work?


I've been making a basic scene with a custom character and I can't figure out how to export it to a .var. I've been looking around for a basic tutorial but haven't had much luck.
VAR is just a zip file renamed. So make a copy of an existing VAR you've got, rename it to .zip, then extract it. Look at how they set it up. There is a JSON file that basically tells VAM everything that's in it. VAM loads your content from that. So replace the files, edit the JSON to point to your stuff. Once you're done, zip the file back up with Windows or Bandizip or whatever, then rename it to .var, instead of .zip.

Also follow the naming convention. Look at how VAR files are named: AuthorName.WhatsInTheVar.1.var where 1 is whatever version. VAM won't load it if it doesn't follow this.
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VAR is just a zip file renamed. So make a copy of an existing VAR you've got, rename it to .zip, then extract it. Look at how they set it up.
Ahahaha, please don't do that. There are too many things that can go wrong and....well VaM does that all for you:
  1. Make sure you set your own creator name in MainUI -> User Preferences -> Misc
  2. Go to the "Package Builder" window (kind of a "open box icon" on the main toolbar). Alternatively you can also use "Main UI" -> "File Open/Save" -> "Save Scene and Add To New Package" to resave your current scene.
  3. In the top of the window next to your creator name you need to enter a package name. Version count is automatic.
  4. Check the content list and add anything you used that is not in their own VAR packages.
  5. Press "Prep Packages". Check the references list for correctness. VaM might throw red warnings at you in case you missed it in step 2. Also check whether you are maybe accidentally referencing something you did not want to.
  6. Check the "Reference Licence Report", which lists all the VAR packages by other creators you are using. Make sure all references are intended references.
  7. Also click "Open Prepped Folder" on the right and check whether everything looks good.
  8. If all looks good, click "Finalize Package" and you will find your package in the AddonPackages folder.
  9. I strongly recommend to copy your new package and any dependencies you think it needs to a second clean VaM install that has nothing else. Try your package there to make sure it actually works.
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Some additions:
  • Before pressing "Finalize Package" you should choose a licence for your content and add some description/links/etc. Respect other peoples licences when including their stuff in you package. (Referencing other VARs is not a problem, because you are not actually including the content)
  • Note that some types of content should not need other content. E.g. if you want to share some hair, the package should only contain that and not reference 5 plugins, looks and whatever. If you want to make a demo scene, that's fine, but maybe it should be a seperate package. E.g. my content here on the hub often has one package that only contains a the plugin and a second demo package that references all kind of stuff. You can upload both onto a single "resource" here on the hub.
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Good suggestion from @bumblebaetuna, but that's a little unnecessary. Instead of renaming the .VAR to a .ZIP, just use the "Open Archive" feature of 7-Zip (right-click on the VAR, 7-zip, open archive). From inside the 7-Zip dialog window of your opened archive you can inspect its contents, change or add files, edit .json files, etc, and it will resave it into the archive for you. No need for renaming, extraction, and re-zipping.
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