How do i export a Skin in DAZ so i will receive a Full set of Face / Torso / Limbs ?


Active member
The skin i want is not in the Textures Folder.
Its Part of an Pay Addon with licence.
So i Load Genesis 3 and move the Texture to the Model and it fits of course.

So how do i export this Skin i attached to Genesis 3 now to receive a UV Set as usual to convert that to Genesis 2 with the Guide here using Blender ?

The Tutorial / Guide does not explain the Basic how to export a Skin from Daz which is essential first step to even convert anyting ;)
If it is shown in DAZ3D, it has a texture file burried deep in one of the many different textures folders of DAZ.

If you have loaded the skin texture to Genesis 3 in DAZ, then go to the "Surfaces" tab in DAZ. If you are familiar with DAZ you will know it, if not: As DAZ has a configurable UI, it is a bit difficult to say where this tab is, but it should be somewhere around the "Preferences" tab as a standard (usually lower right side). If you can't find it: Go to DAZ top menue tab "Windows", then "Panes (Tabs)", then open the Tab "Surfaces".

In the Surface Tab make sure you are in the "Editor" sub-tab. Click on "Genesis 3 female" on the left side of the "Shader" section. Select "Surfaces", then select one of the figures body areas like "Face" for instance. On the right side you will now see all the material options. One point should be the "Diffuse Color" or something like this, according to the skin shader your skin is using it is named different. Anyways, you will see a small preview of the texture in front of the material option. Click on this small preview image and it opens a dropdown menu. Select "Browse" on top. Now the file browser will pop up, pointing to the folder with the textures in it. Now you know where the textures are hiding.
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Hi TToby. That was very helpful to find the Sources.
This is unbelievable that DAZ is such Consumer unfriendly with their Paths behavior and especially Texture Handling.
And again couldnt find any Guide.

Also the Maps are in a entire diferent labeld Folder Name , which is not even matching the SKIN Developers Name.

OK now i am in the Situation i have Legs and Arms separated but i need the LIMBS combined.
I was was thinking that i can select them and export them ;)
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DAZ is a monster. Much more than even VaM. ;-)

Genesis 3 has an other skin texture layout than our Genesis 2 we need for VaM. Most of the DAZ generations have an different layout. Therefore the arms and legs are separate for G3. This is one reason why it is so difficult to convert them for VaM. The tutorial that teaches how to convert G3 to G2 should use those standard G3 texures with the separate limbs. I didn't know that tutorial, because I do it an other way (with DAZ, needs some DAZ stuff to buy), but it should be all about going from the Genesis 3 UV texture layout to the Genesis 2 UV layout and you will be OK wit that texture set.
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