Hello, my collection have definetely got out of hand. My program runs super sluggish and my machine overheats like crazy from browsing the menus alone. I have thus decided to properly sit down and remove some stuff, and I might have some questions regarding what is safe to remove and what tends to cause more lag. It seems the program goes through an entire catalog every time, so removing 100gb or so is only in my best interest. I started using BrowserAssist which is godsend as it allows me to navigate at all. Are there any useful plugins dedicated to hunting down usused files that are not used by anything relevant? What is your typical routine when housekeeping your Vam folder?
So far I have made a folder in another drive for those removed files. I assume removing older versions of plugins and scenes is a sensible move here. Does the size of the scenes matters? I started eliminating the heaviest scenes, some of them are almost 2gb! I also consult the dates, I assume stuff from 2020 is outdated by now with how much people improved since then, so I'm removing those pretty liberally as well. Does folder structures matter? Do you reckon I should look into my own saved scenes and presets, the old crappy ones from when I was learning the ropes would not be needed.
This is a long task, and I wonder what works for you guys!
So far I have made a folder in another drive for those removed files. I assume removing older versions of plugins and scenes is a sensible move here. Does the size of the scenes matters? I started eliminating the heaviest scenes, some of them are almost 2gb! I also consult the dates, I assume stuff from 2020 is outdated by now with how much people improved since then, so I'm removing those pretty liberally as well. Does folder structures matter? Do you reckon I should look into my own saved scenes and presets, the old crappy ones from when I was learning the ropes would not be needed.
This is a long task, and I wonder what works for you guys!