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VAR Manager

Other VAR Manager

  Admin warning: this resource contains an exe and could contain malicious code. Users accept all risks associated with using this resource
Are you a .var hoarder? Does VAM take several seconds to load any menu because you have 4000 .vars? Well do I have the solution for you!
VAR Manager allows you to quickly backup files that you don't want/need at the moment, making VAM much snappier to navigate.

Built with .NET 7.0, You need the .NET 7.0 Desktop Runtime
You can grab it here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0
Direct link to 64-bit: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/...u/runtime-desktop-7.0.2-windows-x64-installer

This is open source, link to github repository: https://github.com/bill-prime/VAMvarmanager
I build free stuff for VAM Community, if feel like buying me a coffee here you go: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/billprime



  • Moves your .var files between active VAM Addonpackages folder and a specified backup location.
  • Has various functions to move specific files including:
    • Move Old Versions of vars (Unreferenced)
      • Moves old versions of vars that are not needed, keeping only the latest version in the AddonPackages folder.
      • Moves these files to a new folder in the VAM root folder called _oldvars
    • Move All Unreferenced .vars
      • Scans files for dependencies, does not move any files that are referenced in any .var
    • Move All Unreferenced .vars of Specific Types
      • Same as above, with additional filter to only move .vars containing specific type(s) of content
    • Move All .vars of Specific Types
      • Same as above, but without check for dependencies
    • Restore Needed .vars
      • Restore .vars from backup location that are referenced in VAM dependencies
    • Restore Specific .vars
      • Restore all .vars containing content of the specified type(s)
    • Restore All .vars
  • Filters available (default on) to EXCLUDE moving .vars from specified creators or folders within the AddonPackages folder.
  • Configuration of folders/filters is saved automatically for re-use when re-opening the app.
  • Takes a few seconds to do operations depending on how many .vars you have, though still faster than VAM loading up.
  • Ability to save/restore var configurations to quickly move hundreds of vars
  • Function to disable preloadMorphs on all packages.
  • Skip Favorites to skip backing up any vars with Favorites set
  • Date Filter to only backup older vars.
  • Undo: Saves last config before each operation, quickly undo changes with Undo button.
  • DOES NOT modify/extract .var files in any way.
  • I want to create a new look but don't want VAM to be slow while I am navigating skins/textures/morphs.
    • Option 1: Backup all unreferenced .vars
    • Option 2: Backup all .vars containing scenes, restore all .vars containing Skins/Textures/Morphs/Plugins etc.
  • I want to build some clothing presets but I don't want VAM to be slow.
    • Step 1: Backup Unreferenced .vars
    • Step 2: Restore all Clothing-type .vars
  • I want to try out an amazing new scene from SlamT but I don't want VAM to be slow.
    • Backup all unreferenced .vars with exception of creator = SlamT
  • I grabbed some new .vars from the HUB/wherever but now I have some reference errors.
    • Step 1: Restore All Referenced vars from backup location (to check if you already have them).
    • Step 2: Use VAM to download additional missing vars.
  • I want to keep my current var config but want to temporarily restore all clothing!
    • Step 1: Save var Config file (which can be later restored).
    • Step 2: Restore all clothing.
  • I have 23 copies of Eye Reflections (REN)!
    • Use Duplicate Item Resolver to hide the duplicates
  • Function is to automatically hide all duplicate items (clothing/hair) in your VAM configuration, leaving only 1 "master" item active.
  • Creates the .hide file in your AddonPackagesFilePrefs folder
  • Writes a log of actions to a text file when completed
  • DOES NOT modify/extract .var files in any way.

Morph Preset Maker

  • Quickly create and save Morph Presets from one or more selected vars
  • Lists all vars with morphs and shows the number of morphs in each var
  • Filter to show only vars with default preload morphs on the package
  • Filter to sort vars by number of morphs
  Admin warning: this resource contains an exe and could contain malicious code. Users accept all risks associated with using this resource
First release
Last update
4.94 star(s) 31 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Fixed sub-folder exceptions not working for backup and restore exceptions.

    Fixed sub-folder exceptions not working for backup and restore exceptions. If you had...
  2. Updated to .NET 7.0, fixes a number of issues with unreadable archives.

    Updated to .NET 7.0, fixed some issues with unreadable vars. You need the .NET 7.0 Desktop...
  3. Small update, fixed a few potential issues with some of the save/load buttons.

    Small update, fixed a few potential issues with some of the save/load buttons. Added exception...

Latest reviews

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The Best
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Best way to manage and organize your collection
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Very nice.
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One of the most needed Tool.
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essential, should be built in to vam
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Love this tool
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good job
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powerful tool, the UI is a bit messy though.
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