Horse with collision?

If the CUA horse has no collision in the first place, the checkbox will not do anything. Seems to be the case.
There's some plugins related to CUAs, maybe one can recreate a collision mesh, but if not you'd need a new CUA horse with collision or place a shape atom in the horse to give it some collision.
If the CUA horse has no collision in the first place, the checkbox will not do anything. Seems to be the case.
There's some plugins related to CUAs, maybe one can recreate a collision mesh, but if not you'd need a new CUA horse with collision or place a shape atom in the horse to give it some collision.
Never thought that there is an addon for this. found and added it to the cua.

Got the message:
GenerateCollider: Created collider mesh GeneratedCollider_Object_0 with 1869 verts and 1869 tris.

Played a bit with the options but still no colliders.

bandicam 2024-09-11 19-56-35-436.jpg
Add capsule atoms where they are needed, place inside the saddle area and then parent them to the horse. Adjust the alpha to make them invisible.
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