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CUA Collision


Invaluable member
Hi there

Is there a way to make CUA's collide with each other?
(Maybe some special settings in Unity?)

Also do CUA's fall through the ground.

Does anyone know, how i can make an asset, that doesn't do that?
If seen one CUA that could do that.
Sadly the creator couldn't tell, what he did, that it works this way,
he didn't do something special when he created the asset, so he just didn't know
why his asset, did behave different then others.

But it means, it is definitely possible.

Maybe someone knows.
I meanwhyle found out, why this CUA i talked about behaved differently.
It was because it has not a mesh collider, instead capsule and sphere colliders were used.

Sadly Mesh Colliders dont have this ability while othes do.
This is explained in the tutorials I linked in the other discussion.

Mesh colliders have the ability to collider properly but they are extremely slow. So any fast motion is out of the question. You can find proper collisions examples in my demos which is based on CUAs made for Food 101, here. Look in the package, you will find demos for "Food 101".

Depending on your use, you would also maybe need to add a script on the CUAs to change the collision setup. This is also explained in those demos.
Hi hazmhox

Thanks for you reply, i will have a look at your demo to learn more about collision.

I watched your Guide
The definitive asset creation tutorial for VaM

In there you talk also about the unitypackage sketchfab for unity

I also stumbled upon this earlier and tried to install, but it didn't work
so i thought, this is not for older versions.

But when you mentioned this in your Guide, it is obviously ment for use in older version, or isn't is?

If this should also work for older versions, in my case

What may be the problem, that it doesn't work on me.

I downloaded

Doubleklicked the package.

Then a Windows like this showed up in Unity and i clicked on import.

But there is no new tab at the top, where now a sketchfab tab should be.

Instead i have a lot of Errors Messages

Do you have any idea, why this is? (Sorry im not an advanced unity user ;))

Or do i have to install something in addition to make this work?
Everyone is on 1.9f2 for VAM ;)

Use the 1.1.1 here: https://github.com/sketchfab/unity-plugin/releases

For sketchfab, one rule I should add (and update): the GLTF convertor is a pain in the ass. If you like the plugin, only use it to download and acquire the materials and textures. For the models themselves, always download from the website because their GLTF conversion prevents you from editing the model and using them with lightmapping for instance.
Thanks for your reply.

Hm.. ok, maybe i will try the 1.1.1 Version on a later time.

At the moment it is not so important to me, to make this one work.
For sure a nice one to have, if it really works well, but as you said, not usable for the models itself.

Ahm.... i had a look now at your Food Collision Demo, but i couldn't figure out, how to use the GlobalCollision Plugin for myself.
In your scene i only saw this one Textbox, that said i should have a look at the Global Collision Atom.
So this is an empty atom just with the CollisionsGlobal Plugin?
S o did a new scene, created that empty atom and added the plugin.
Then added some CUA's
But nothing happens.
Then i saw, that your food has the Glance Plugin.
So i added the glance Plugin to my CUA's, but nothing happens.
Is there some further information where i can look at, that explains how to do this?
The global collision plugins looks for a specific target inside all the CUAs in the scene, this target is a child called "root_throwable".
The plugin will enable the object dynamically if it sees the root_throwable object inside of the CUA.

You could do a prefab structure like this:
  • prop_superpropname
    • root_throwable
      • mesh01+collider
      • mesh02+collider

The glance plugin has nothing to do with it, it's simply a target system for Ella's look during the scene :)

Don't forget that you need normal collisions on top of a meshcollider (if you have one) as mentionned in the tutorial.
Feel free to use the plugin for youself if you need and include it in your scenes. The license only requires you to credit : )
Thanks for your reply hazmhox.

At the moment i don't have a project that uses antigravity, was just playing around a bit for learning,
especially with this collider things and all that has to do with creating assets.

But good to know if i someday want to create something with antigravity ;)
That's not for anti-gravity.

That's for collisions period. Without this plugin, even in a normal -9,8m/s gravity setup, objects will end up getting through the floor. I don't know why VAM is so sensitive, but you have to have continuous collision enabled even with standard collisions. This is what the plugin does.
Ah ok, i thought CUA's with normal colliders like cube, capsule or sphere, don't go through walls anymore.
You never stop learning ;)

Thanks for letting me know.
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