
Plugins HeelAdjust2

I'm guessing that means it's not publicly available? Anyways thanks for responding.
No, I'm not allowed to post it around here. Which one do you mean btw? The thumbnail or the one from the video? It doesn't really matter beacause the above applies to both, but I'm curious.
No, I'm not allowed to post it around here. Which one do you mean btw? The thumbnail or the one from the video? It doesn't really matter beacause the above applies to both, but I'm curious.
I was going off the thumbnail since I really liked the capri jeans they were wearing.
CheesyFX updated HeelAdjust2 with a new update entry:


Enhanced synergy across my plugin suite:
  • Ability to (internally) interpolate the foot slope deltas. This is crucial for the next BodyLanguage update, which will feature smooth pose transitions. BL will post an error if you try to use an earlier version of this.
  • HeelAdjust2 and FreeTheLegs are now collaborating, not destroying changes made by the eachother.
New toggle: Cloth collision can now be disabled separately. I noticed some issues with long throusers.
Fixes I made...

Read the rest of this update entry...
hello,when I use it, somthing is wrong :

!> Compile of CheesyFX.HeelAdjust2.21:/Custom/Scripts/CheesyFX/HeelAdjust2/HeelAdjust2.cslist failed. Errors:
!> [CS1061]: Type `JSONStorableFloat' does not contain a definition for `SetInteractble' and no extension method `SetInteractble' of type `JSONStorableFloat' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? in <Unknown> at [858, 23]
please help me, thank you!
Thank you for your reply. My second problem was solved and I found that I can change it in linkeditems.
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