Facegen - How to Optimize the Face Textures and / or optimize the Face Map to match a different Skin ?


Active member
I am using current 3.8 Facegen
Couldn't find any Guides for VAM.

Actually the Facegen Idea itself is vey nice for Morphs.
I noticed you get good Morphs regarding the Person if you use a good Portrait Pictures.
But that was it regarding quality process ;)

The Facegen GUi is horrible regarding colour optimization, there is no undo at all and it all looks so amateurish combinded from the Menu Functions + workflow.

The exported Face Texture Maps i load up in VAM look so ugly washed out colour / Light wise.
They are often wrong colour ( too dark or entire wrong colour as the original ) and upper Lips are often not correct and dirty Skin parts on one side of the cheeks the original Picture does not have.

Not even the VAM Skin Texture Sliders / Settings help here and the Facegen skin colour Features are so bad since if you move one slider, all others move also and destroy the entire Colour setting in a second.
And as mentioned no UNDO / Reset to defaults.

So my questions here are:

1. How can i improve the Face Maps colouring to look like the real Picture then ?
2. Is the Face Texture all i should use and dump the Body Textures it creates ?
They all look the same ugly as the Face does. Entire wrong colours like Person is white and the Body Textures are like a washed out ugly brown and next time its opposite.

I mean sure if i load all Texture parts the Person matches the Facegen Maps but the Result is trash quality wise.

What i tried and hoped it actually works is that during export > Custom
i selected Torso of LImbs / etc of a nice looking skin so FAcegen may check its colour to match the FAce Texture then but nope.
Not even a tiny similarity is generated.
So i wonder for what that function is even useful if it does not match the Skin Colour of the Sources loaded then.

Can i use Photoshop to analyze the replacement Body SKin Textures colour so the FG Face Texture can be loaded to exactly paste that colour Settings of the replacement SKIN ?
Or can i load the Original Picture and scan the face colour settings to then copy it over to the Facegen Texture and the Skin?

I wonder what the usual workflow is here to get a good result at the end.
Currently Facegen for me seems to be only really useful for VAM to create Face Morphs but the rest i dunno.
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Hi Lione,

I am a big FaceGen fan, so I maybe can give you some answers.
FaceGen is stone old. I have used it for DAZ and some game mods nearly 15 years ago... Since then, they did not change the UI, only for some minor new features. Saying this, I still like it very much, not for ready made stuff, but using the FaceGen created textures and morphs as a starting point. Most of the time I do a lot op postprocessing to make them look good.

Undo: There is an undo function at the top menue. If you click the undo button, you will see no change most of the time... this is because it remembers every little invisible step. Clich the button as long as you will see a change.

Color: Go to Modify->colour. It is not like other tools. The most sliders are for eyebrows, nose, etc. etc.... at the bottom you will find "skin" sliders which changes the whole appearance.

The most important tab (and the most underestimated one) IMHO is the modify->Demographics tab. If you have created a face from a Photo, use the Assymetry and the Carricature Shape slider. Put it to the left as much as you think its still OK. Otherwhise you will get very asymetric morphs in VaM (every real face is assymetric, but that is too much most of the time in VaM). Finetune the generated face in FaceGen with the sliders in the "Shape" tab and directly at the 3D face with the mouse and CTRL key pressed.

I use custom skins every time i use the File->Export funktion. There is a small trick to make female genitals with zero effort: Click on "Export", then open the export folder and copy or rename the body texture, so it will not be overwritten. Then select the genitals texture as custom torso texture and press "Export" again. Ready!

To get a very good face texture, you will need very good photos (front picture is enough, most of the time. To have more is always better).
If the face is still not good, check the resolution of the output texture... there was a bug in one of the last versions which can result in small resulutions.
The output face texture will never be as good as a original DAZ/VaM texture, because you will have all the shadows and errors from invisible parts in it.
This is where I start the post processing in Photoshop.
Most of the time I take one of the original DAZ/VaM face textures in the ground layer and put the FaceGen outpot texture in a second layer on top of it. Then I erase everything I dont need from the second layer plus the outer face contoures, so that the original is shining through. Then I use Ctrl+U to match the color and do some sharpening, etc.
If you do it that way, you will have every FaceGen texture in the same colour and brightness as the standard VaM/DAZ texture you have used, and you can mix stuff and don't have to care about wrong colored FaceGen textures or genitals. If you do it the other way around in Photoshop you can keep the FaceGen created body textures (Ground layer FaceGen, second layer DaZ texture, third layer FaceGen again, then erase from the third layer and fit the colour of the shining through second layer. Great for lips and eyelids). As you can see, you could also use parts of different face textures to mix and match until you are happy with the look.

Morphs is the same: I only use it as a starting point in VaM and never dial it in 100%. Then I refine it with all the other morphs until I am somewhat happy.

That is how I do it. It takes some work, but I have a good collection of good face textures now, every one much better than the painted original VaM/DAZ textures. You may have a look at my very few screenshots I have added to the hub. They are all made with FaceGen.
Hi ,

thx a lot for your reply :)

I have no UNDO Button in 3.8 Artist Pro.

Gui wise the Text for the Sliders is often cut on left side and cut in each slider only showing half of the text for each setting so its barely readable what each slider is there for. And the Buttons often do not contain the text in full. So this looks like crap ;)

As in the Screenshot "et All To Zer"


There is a "Set all to ZERO" Button which set all to "0" but this is no UNDO to reverse a perhaps Step or some Steps to reverse .
Under help there is a Reset Button but this Resets the entire App inclusing my Face i want to set up.

Nice Trick to create matching Genital textures with a Genital Source Map.
This works like a charm.
They fit great.

I will try out the Photoshop Workflow with layers.
This is really a great Idea to work like that.
Thx a million for explaining how you do it :)

Regarding Morphs i still am kinda confused what to do to re-generate the original Face Look not having a Facegen Texture.
I mean if i add a Morph to this and that model it always has the Face Touch of the Models Look before i added the Morp.
Even if i reverse the Models own Face Morph it then often looks similar in some way.

So if i would use any Face Morph on the Default ATOM Model in VAM they all look kinda similar at the end.
Like Sisters ;)

I mean i understand that there cannot be a MASTER Source someone can use to build a Face from a morph to exactly match the Look you may expect from just moving the Slider to 75 % . So with Facegen its much easier as i noticed to get the Facelook i actually captured but needs Work to then to
look good and fit.
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Undo button:
My fellow Mr. Lione, please read carefully the very first line of the screenshot you have posted... ;-) ;-)

It is not an Undo button on each and every sub-tab, but you have to open up the Undo-tab and press the buttons there... then go back and continue.
It is very complicated and time consumting, but it IS an Undo function (other than in VaM, where I again have lost more than a hour of work, because I was too dense to press "save as a new preset" but load a previous one instead the day before yesterday).

I am not on the latest FaceGen version and I definitely don't have that issue with the unreadable text. Maybe it is a bug in the newest version, an install error or some of your windows settings?

I don't get exactly what you meant with using the morphs.
Here is my workflow:
If I have finished the look in FaceGen (including best possible refinement and editing), I copy the newly created morph file and the textures to the appropriate VaM folders (I once made myself some simple Windows shortcuts to open that folders in a short time).
In VaM I add the refined FaceGen texture(s) to the standard figure with the texture tab.
Then I go to my FaceGen VaM-morph-folder (I usually edit the morph with a text editor to not show up in the main "Head" section) and dial-in the FaceGen morph. Most of the time it is too much and it looks a bit like a caricature (unfortunately the morph conversion algorythm (FaceGen --> DAZ morph) is not very good). So I dial in only a certain percentage that looks OK and which will give me a good starting point to get the typical face characteristics of that person.
Then I usually open up a VaM-image-panel and add the photo which I have used for FaceGen as a picture reference.
Then I start to use my (a bit overdone) amount of morphs to recreate the look as usual.
Therefore for me FaceGen is "only" usable as a good starting point. But for this, it is extremely useful. It is very difficult to get the face characteristics done in a way that you can really recognize the person. Creating a good look-alike is one of the most difficult tasks in 3D modeling, because the human eye is able to see even the smallest details and difference of a human face.

This will surely need a certain amount of practice. Unfortunately, if you want to reach a somewhat high standard, there is no one-click solution AFAIK. I have allready tried out most of the other available tools and FaceGen was still giving me IMHO the best results regarding to the creation efford.
This is unbelievable lol.
That Undo button...
is now there but never has been before ;)

A Blairwitch must have been shown up or another paranormal activity must have been happened
and removed the Undo Button from my Facegen to messup my brain.

I guess i have a VAM Texture / Model / Overdose.
This is like searching your entire appartment for your dissapeared glasses which you already wear on your nose.


Back to business.

I will follow your workflow thx again so nice :)

I try to explain what i mean with a simple Morph file could end in a never matching Lookalike Morph.
Currently i am testing with creating a S.Woodl. Lookalike to learn https://data.whicdn.com/images/38505266/original.jpg

So i got great Highress Portraits and have the Facegen Morph.

If i simply attach the pure Morph now to this and that VAM model the result will
always be different and not match her since the morph won't fully replace the nature face / Eye / Cheek shape of the original model i attached the Morph to, only somehow change it.

So there are worlds between the facegen Morph + SKIN Usage ( looks very similar ) and using only the rough Morph file on this and that Look.
So if a VAM Model would look a bit similar to my Facegen test Project Morph file there could be a chance it may look similar to her even not using the Facegen Face Texture. But i noticed immediately after attaching the morph even to Standard ATOM Female that eyes are not matching Top Face , bones etc ..
And the face stiill looked like the Standard ATOM Female Model i attached it to, like her kinda "Sister" not
100 % same but stil noticable "original" face looks.

So as you explained a lot of work to re generate a Lookalike from a Morph , even from a Facegen Morph is needed here.
And its not only the Face its the entire Body Shape which should match .
But sure the Face is the most important.

Facegen is a great help of course. I hope i will learn the Photoshop Layer Method any day because i sure need to learn that since othwerwise my
i wont get rid of the rough Face Skin Texture looks.


To use Facegen for just getting a lot of Faces Face Morphs not trying to do a lookalike is sure amazing and a great help too and super easy.
You do not even need side Pics as i noticed to get good results. Just a good Portrait Pic is enough.
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Lol, I know the scene very well, searching the glasses while you are wearing them... ;-)

OK, you seems to be one of those perfectionists like me, too. Those who are never happy... and if they are, load the custom figure half a year later and you will feel the need to start all over again.
Unfortunately the FaceGen morphs are definitely not as good as the heads shown inside the tool. Sometimes they are so much off, you could laugh about that. There is so much you can do to enhance the quality a lot.
Be cautious about going that way.... there are some looks of real girls I once know, which I am still working on since the very first day VaM was getting morph support (and this is not because I lack the skills). Including custom 3d modeled faces, hand painted textures, new hair styles, and so on. ;-)
But on the other hand, some other look-alike girls (wich I only know from screen, of course), are done in only 1-2 days.

The most important thing is to have fun! ;-)
PS, the effect of the bare face morphes looks so much different than they do with the texture added:
It is most likely because of the face shadows "baked in" the face texture. To re-create them in VaM is very difficult. You could somewhat do that with a hand made Normal Map and/or custom morphs. The lighting and the somewhat unrealistic shadows (look at the glowing nose holes, for instance) created by VaM are not very helpful with this. That is IMHO why FaceGen textures will sometimes creates such a stunning real-life feeling compared to the plain DAZ face textures.
PS, the effect of the bare face morphes looks so much different than they do with the texture added:
It is most likely because of the face shadows "baked in" the face texture. To re-create them in VaM is very difficult. You could somewhat do that with a hand made Normal Map and/or custom morphs. The lighting and the somewhat unrealistic shadows (look at the glowing nose holes, for instance) created by VaM are not very helpful with this. That is IMHO why FaceGen textures will sometimes creates such a stunning real-life feeling compared to the plain DAZ face textures.
Thanks a lot TToby, you are the best, your answears are keys for what i dont know where to start. it means a lot for me <3
Hi Lione,

I am a big FaceGen fan, so I maybe can give you some answers.
FaceGen is stone old. I have used it for DAZ and some game mods nearly 15 years ago... Since then, they did not change the UI, only for some minor new features. Saying this, I still like it very much, not for ready made stuff, but using the FaceGen created textures and morphs as a starting point. Most of the time I do a lot op postprocessing to make them look good.

Undo: There is an undo function at the top menue. If you click the undo button, you will see no change most of the time... this is because it remembers every little invisible step. Clich the button as long as you will see a change.

Color: Go to Modify->colour. It is not like other tools. The most sliders are for eyebrows, nose, etc. etc.... at the bottom you will find "skin" sliders which changes the whole appearance.

The most important tab (and the most underestimated one) IMHO is the modify->Demographics tab. If you have created a face from a Photo, use the Assymetry and the Carricature Shape slider. Put it to the left as much as you think its still OK. Otherwhise you will get very asymetric morphs in VaM (every real face is assymetric, but that is too much most of the time in VaM). Finetune the generated face in FaceGen with the sliders in the "Shape" tab and directly at the 3D face with the mouse and CTRL key pressed.

I use custom skins every time i use the File->Export funktion. There is a small trick to make female genitals with zero effort: Click on "Export", then open the export folder and copy or rename the body texture, so it will not be overwritten. Then select the genitals texture as custom torso texture and press "Export" again. Ready!

To get a very good face texture, you will need very good photos (front picture is enough, most of the time. To have more is always better).
If the face is still not good, check the resolution of the output texture... there was a bug in one of the last versions which can result in small resulutions.
The output face texture will never be as good as a original DAZ/VaM texture, because you will have all the shadows and errors from invisible parts in it.
This is where I start the post processing in Photoshop.
Most of the time I take one of the original DAZ/VaM face textures in the ground layer and put the FaceGen outpot texture in a second layer on top of it. Then I erase everything I dont need from the second layer plus the outer face contoures, so that the original is shining through. Then I use Ctrl+U to match the color and do some sharpening, etc.
If you do it that way, you will have every FaceGen texture in the same colour and brightness as the standard VaM/DAZ texture you have used, and you can mix stuff and don't have to care about wrong colored FaceGen textures or genitals. If you do it the other way around in Photoshop you can keep the FaceGen created body textures (Ground layer FaceGen, second layer DaZ texture, third layer FaceGen again, then erase from the third layer and fit the colour of the shining through second layer. Great for lips and eyelids). As you can see, you could also use parts of different face textures to mix and match until you are happy with the look.

Morphs is the same: I only use it as a starting point in VaM and never dial it in 100%. Then I refine it with all the other morphs until I am somewhat happy.

That is how I do it. It takes some work, but I have a good collection of good face textures now, every one much better than the painted original VaM/DAZ textures. You may have a look at my very few screenshots I have added to the hub. They are all made with FaceGen.
Where i can export the genital, bro. i cant seem to find it in facegen and i cant seem to find that too " check the resolution of the output texture " @@
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Where i can export the genital, bro. i cant seem to find it in facegen and i cant seem to find that too " check the resolution of the output texture " @@

Resolution: Just take a look at the textures exported by FaceGen. Are they as big as other body or face textures, or maybe only 1024x1024? There was a bug in FaceGen 3.x (.1? 2.?) where the output texture was not as big as the custom DAZ/VaM face texture, but as big as the input photo.

Genitalia: At the FaceGen export (to DAZ Genesis2) menu there is an option to load your own custom face and body textures. Choose the VaM textures from FemalBase for instance and load them in the Face, Thorso and Limbs slots. Then press "export" and open the target location where the new created textures are (but don't close FaceGen). Then click on the newly generated thorso texture and re-name it or copy/past it, so it won't be overwritten.
Then in FaceGen chose the FemaleBase genital texture for the Thorso slot, keep everything else as it is and press export again. Ready. FaceGen will create a female genital texture the same way and in the same folder where it creates the thorso texture.
Resolution: Just take a look at the textures exported by FaceGen. Are they as big as other body or face textures, or maybe only 1024x1024? There was a bug in FaceGen 3.x (.1? 2.?) where the output texture was not as big as the custom DAZ/VaM face texture, but as big as the input photo.

Genitalia: At the FaceGen export (to DAZ Genesis2) menu there is an option to load your own custom face and body textures. Choose the VaM textures from FemalBase for instance and load them in the Face, Thorso and Limbs slots. Then press "export" and open the target location where the new created textures are (but don't close FaceGen). Then click on the newly generated thorso texture and re-name it or copy/past it, so it won't be overwritten.
Then in FaceGen chose the FemaleBase genital texture for the Thorso slot, keep everything else as it is and press export again. Ready. FaceGen will create a female genital texture the same way and in the same folder where it creates the thorso texture.
For the resolution, all the output files are 4096x4096 so i think maybe resolution is default.
And about the genitalia, thanks a lot bro. Now i understand it.
I have one more question, bro . And hope you could help me. Can i use zbrush to make the texture better with details and bake it into some more texture like normal map, bump maps ... with substance painter ?
I really want to improve the texture but i dont know where to start with those two sofwares.
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For the resolution, all the output files are 4096x4096 so i think maybe resolution is default.
And about the genitalia, thanks a lot bro. Now i understand it.
I have one more question, bro . And hope you could help me. Can i use zbrush to make the texture better with details and bake it into some more texture like normal map, bump maps ... with substance painter ?
I really want to improve the texture but i dont know where to start with those two sofwares.

Hi, as you may know, the normal maps are flat textures like the other body textures, too. They have different informations in the three color channels for differently reflecting rendered light, or easier: they have height informations from different angles. They are not really changing the mesh, but only giving a "fake" height detail from a certain angle. In DAZ or Vam they are often only calculated from a simple single grayscale image. If you take a look at them in a tool like Photoshop, you can look at these and maybe delete two of the cannels and paint to the third one. One of them, I don't know it from memory, green or blue, has the main informations in it. You will most likely recognize witch one. You can paint to it as it is being a grayscale image and then use one of the Normal Map Photoshop plugins (or other tools) to convert it in a somewhat OK normal map again. Though, you will maybe loose some minor height informations (if any). If a DAZ skin set has a bump-map (grayscale with white being the most prominent and black are the deepest parts), you can convert this in a working normal map, too. For some very simple normal maps, you can even turn a simple photo into a normal map with tools, or by converting it into a grayscale image and edit it. Remember, white is the highest, black is the deepest part (shadows in the photo are deep, light parts are high), so you will most likely have to edit those in some areas.

If you are really keen to do some very special normal map, you can use both of the tools you have mentioned. Both tools can calculate the 3d height information into true normal maps. Remember, that you can't add vertices to a Genesis 2 body if you want to turn it into a VaM morph, but you are free to sculpt and add details, if you want to turn or bake them into a normal map. Those normal maps will be much better from a technical point of view, but if you keep in mind that a big amount of the other ones we use are more or less "faked" from a grayscale image, it might be a bit overdone.To paint white dots on a grayscale image around the nipples to create those goosebumps, or draw dark lines for wrinkles, may be easier than to 3d modeling them, for instance... and you will most likely see no big difference.

To describe how to create normal maps in Zbrush or Substance Painter would be too much for this thread. It is somewhat complicated, fitst, but doable. Please search for tutorials "creating normal maps with...). Just keep in mind they have to be in the same layout like the original Genesis 2 ones in VaM.
Hey TToby, thanks for that tip on making the genitals. I'm new to VaM and FaceGen and was wondering how to fix that. I have another question I'm hoping you or someone else can answer: I'm getting a white line where the jaw meets the neck of my FaceGen morphs. Any suggestions on how to prevent or eliminate that?
Without seeing it, I would strongly guess, the white line is the seam between the face texture and the body/head texture.
Most of the time this is an issue with using a wrong "UV map".
Means: DAZ/VaM is using different figures with slightly different texture layouts. If the texture you have used as skin texture in FaceGen is "Base Female", but the skin you have selected in VaM (before applying the FG texture) is "Monique" for instance (see the small name somewhere below the VaM skin number), you will see small gaps.
To try this out, select the different skins in VaM (starting with "base female" or Victoria) and apply the face and body texture.
Thanks! My next noob question is where can I find all the skin files available in VaM? Or in other words, when I choose "Skin Select" there are several skins I can choose: Female 1,2,3, etc., Candy, Lexi, Maria, etc. but if I do a search for any of those names or titles within the VaM program folders nothing comes up. Aren't these saved somewhere within VaM? Or are they in a file I need to uncompress?

I think what I did was used Male 1 (Michael) as my base figure and then I added the FaceGen textures on to that, but the texture files I used in the FaceGen custom settings were from the textures I found in the Custom/Atom/Person/Textures/MaleBase folder. Based on your response I need to use the Male 1 Michael textures in FaceGen but I can't find these.

(WAIT! Right after I wrote the above I tried another model and this time no white lines. I think I did the exact same thing I did yesterday so I can't explain this. I'll keep experimenting to see if I can duplicate the problem again. Weird.)
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Unfortunately most of the skins included in VaM are copyright protected, and therefore locked into the VaM Unity game files.
The Base Female and Base Male texture are free and can be found in custom/atom/person/textures/ .
There are some good free skins in the download section, too, or you can buy the copyright protected skins in the DAZ store.
I'm only working on males and doing a search for male skins here turned up nothing. Oh well. maybe I can make my own in Photoshop?
I'm only working on males and doing a search for male skins here turned up nothing. Oh well. maybe I can make my own in Photoshop?
Sorry, If someone asks for skins, I'm first of all thinking of female skins. You are right, there are not that many VaM male skins around. Doing skins in PS is a very demanding task. As you may know, VaM is using the DAZ3d Genesis 2 (!) figures, so you can maybe find or buy some more male skins for DAZ.
Thanks TToby. On a related question, I've been making some custom looks for myself by taking looks made by others and modifying them. I was wondering if there is a generic male/female character built into VaM that I should be using to add my FaceGen morphs and files? Something where I won't be infringing on anyones rights by using this as my "lump of clay" so to speak, to craft my own looks from the ground up? If so I haven't seen it.
It is always a matter of how much of your own creative work was invested (even in a juristical way). If your look exactly looks like the original, but only with an other nose and hair color, it is most likely not considered as your own piece of work. If you are using 6 different full body morphs by mixing them together to a totally different look, and merge the outcome after that, then it is IMHO yours. Be cautious using stuff like textures, that are recognizable not yours. Maybe ask the creator first, and/or have a look at the license model he has choosen. The only skin texture that is officially free to use is the VaM Base Female texture.
Thanks TToby. On a related question, I've been making some custom looks for myself by taking looks made by others and modifying them. I was wondering if there is a generic male/female character built into VaM that I should be using to add my FaceGen morphs and files? Something where I won't be infringing on anyones rights by using this as my "lump of clay" so to speak, to craft my own looks from the ground up? If so I haven't seen it.

Simply open the control 1 tab for a character and hit reset look. That gives the default girls where you can modify to your hearts content and not be stepping on toes.
It is always a matter of how much of your own creative work was invested (even in a juristical way). If your look exactly looks like the original, but only with an other nose and hair color, it is most likely not considered as your own piece of work. If you are using 6 different full body morphs by mixing them together to a totally different look, and merge the outcome after that, then it is IMHO yours. Be cautious using stuff like textures, that are recognizable not yours. Maybe ask the creator first, and/or have a look at the license model he has choosen. The only skin texture that is officially free to use is the VaM Base Female texture.

I'm sorry to say that regardless of your opinion, in the land of license terms and copyright it is not original work. It is derivative regardless how "unique" the end result ends up being and as such anyone doing this should be very open with the fact they did not actually create anything and are just mashing up other users work by ensuring any release is not merging those morphs into the look and is instead properly crediting and referencing the building blocks. If someone is doing this privately fine no probs but if there is a release happening then not doing this is misrepresenting your skill to the community, breaks licensing terms, hub policy and worst shows a lack of respect towards the people that actually did the work.
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Simply open the control 1 tab for a character and hit reset look. That gives the default girls where you can modify to your hearts content and not be stepping on toes.

I'm mostly working with male models so that reset option only brings up a girl. It does appear that a lot of people use the Michael model so I guess I'll use that as my "template" until VaM or someone provides a more generic male model.
I'm sorry to say that regardless of your opinion, in the land of license terms and copyright it is not original work. It is derivative regardless how "unique" the end result ends up being and as such anyone doing this should be very open with the fact they did not actually create anything and are just mashing up other users work by ensuring any release is not merging those morphs into the look and is instead properly crediting and referencing the building blocks. If someone is doing this privately fine no probs but if there is a release happening then not doing this is misrepresenting your skill to the community, breaks licensing terms, hub policy and worst shows a lack of respect towards the people that actually did the work.

It is a good thing to have different opinions!
IMHO the definition of "original work" and"derivative work" is by far not that simple as you stated it. It always depends on the originality of variations if a derivative work can become original work. "Originality of a derivative work means any variation of an original work which is sufficient to render the derivative work distinguishable from its prior work in any meaningful manner."
In this case: If you are creating a look by using different morph packs, is it still your own work? Yes, if it has sufficient originality it becomes your "original work". This will also stay true, if somebody is creating a unique look by using some percent of your full body morph among many others. All that counts is the degree of originality.
But what means "sufficient" in this case? Good question... for me it is when I can't recognize anymore that somebody has used your full body morph.
I also think that we should take a somewhat relaxed approach on this here. Otherwise, someone is starting to question the extent to which something that is based on the DAZ Genesis figure is original, or on different morph packs, or whether all figures somehow look the same, or who has registered a proper business and pays taxes, etc.
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