• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Plugins + Scripts ExpressionBlushingAndTears

hmm i've just became a patreon of you, cause i think you make an amazing work and i wanted to support it =). Of Course i've downloaded the full version6 and it seems, that sometimes or in some scenes the plugin has problems to load the audio files. Just wanted to mention it.
It mostly happens when i switch between scenes. Could also be a problem of VaM itself.
Thank you for your support, Mopze.
I don't know the cause, but the audio certainly looks unstable.
With this version, I have made it a little harder to get exceptions around the audio. ( I don't know how much of an effect this has had. )
I updated my plug-in. In this version, I have separated Configuration into male and female.

Sorry, I don't originally intend to apply this plug-in to male.
This is because male do not have collision triggers and most of the plug-ins do not work well for them.
The configuration has been separated for male and female, but I won't update the features for male until the collision trigger is implemented for male.
Thank you very much! I was hoping MeshedVR had those collision triggers for male hidden, until they "mature", but, oh well, let's wait!
Can I be a nuisance once again? ^_^
I noticed that if you "equip" male and female with your plugin and you have sounds in the respective folders (moan, moanMale, and so on, outside the var plugin file), the plugin seems to play only women's sound - it's like there's something in the plugin config that's saved across both person-atoms. I didn't test putting sounds inside the VAR file though. :)
Can I be a nuisance once again? ^_^
I noticed that if you "equip" male and female with your plugin and you have sounds in the respective folders (moan, moanMale, and so on, outside the var plugin file), the plugin seems to play only women's sound - it's like there's something in the plugin config that's saved across both person-atoms. I didn't test putting sounds inside the VAR file though. :)
Thank you for your comment. I'ii look into it.
Can I be a nuisance once again? ^_^
I noticed that if you "equip" male and female with your plugin and you have sounds in the respective folders (moan, moanMale, and so on, outside the var plugin file), the plugin seems to play only women's sound - it's like there's something in the plugin config that's saved across both person-atoms. I didn't test putting sounds inside the VAR file though. :)
Thank you for your comment. I'ii look into it.
In my environment, different voices were played by men and women.
I need a little more information to reproduce the events you describe.

Here's what I've tried:
1. Place "Windows Logoff Sound.wav" in three directories: breath/moan/climax
2. Place "Windows Notify.wav" in three directories: breathMale/moanMale/climaxMale
3. I then placed the male and female Persons in the same scene and made each Person react.

In this case, different sounds were played for men and women respectively.
Hi again!
I wanted to mention this earlier, but plugin throws this kind of warning very often, causing blocking of the lower part of the UI by constantly refreshing the blue Messages mini-window:

*** Exception:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,UnityEngine.Quaternion].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.Belly.changeJoin

*** Exception:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,UnityEngine.Quaternion].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.Belly.changeJoint (Single time, System.String[] keys, System.String position) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

or, when only woman has this plugin on, it happens when dick "meets" trigger inside the vagina, the more triggers met, more messages thrown:

.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.setGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.incrementGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.OnErogenousZoneTouch (System.String zone) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
*** Exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.setGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.incrementGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.OnErogenousZoneTouch (System.String zone) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
*** Exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.setGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.incrementGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.OnErogenousZoneTouch (System.String zone) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
*** Exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.setGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.incrementGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.OnErogenousZoneTouch (System.String zone) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
*** Exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.setGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.incrementGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.OnErogenousZoneTouch (System.String zone) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
*** Exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.setGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.incrementGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.OnErogenousZoneTouch (System.String zone) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
*** Exception:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Cotyounoyume.EBATCore.setGauge (Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

...and so on, this goes indefinitely. Sometimes when only woman has the plugin, but practically always, when both people have it activated (custom sounds are used for both male and female, but only female sounds are played, like I mentioned earlier).

This "spamming" slows the whole program quite a bit - what's the cause of that bug?

About the sound - I weren't able to force the plugin to play separate sets of sounds, I always hear woman's sounds. Maybe because I'm forcing them to moan during "intercourse"? Of course male rarely "moans" unless I use a key to increase his "arousal". But he always moans as a female for some reason.
Could there be a setting implemented to force the plugin to take the sounds from specific folders and boolean setting to use custom sounds or not?


Edit: Resetting the plugin settings helped resolve this, I don't know though, why it happened. :)
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I noticed, that your plugin prevents Keyboard Shortcuts plugin from reading the plugins list applied to the person atom. When I remove your plugin from the person and reload KS session plugin, person atom plugins are available at the end of the list, like they should. I wrote to the author of that plugin already as well - for now he's aware that something sometimes blocks the person atom plugins from being listed in KS plugin.
Happy New Year!
cotyounoyume updated ExpressionBlushingAndTears with a new update entry:

[DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Simple(Free) Ver.1.3

This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. https://www.patreon.com/posts/45798641 ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.
(Version 1.2 is a missing number).
Summary:This version has the following feature...

Read the rest of this update entry...
cotyounoyume updated ExpressionBlushingAndTears with a new update entry:

[DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Simple(Free) Ver.1.33

This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. https://www.patreon.com/posts/48119406 ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.
Summary:This version has the following feature additions and bug fixes.
  • ...

Read the rest of this update entry...
It's about full version of the plugin:

Experiments with one of default vam-x 1.4 add-on scenes (no sound of the persons, only SFX's like slap) with male and female.

I noticed after resetting settings, only this is left of the config window:

2021-03-01 192244.png

It's needed to reload the plugin for options to appear.

Trying to reload the plugin show this, "Confirm" button needs to be pressed twice:

2021-03-01 192327.png

Playing around with sound folders with sounds often gives this:
2021-03-01 192437.png

It happens when man and woman has this plugin on. One of persons often goes silent until plugin is reloaded on them, and they still seem to share the sound settings (it's heard), even when plugin shows otherwise. Then, after a while, both go silent. not even "breathing" at 0 "ecstasy level"

When both go silent, this is visible - weird. Also changing the sound folders makes no difference - plugin stops reacting to that.

2021-03-01 193222.png

Is there a toggle/setting to set the person strictly male or female in the program somewhere? Cause I have a feeling that VaM sometimes doesn't know the "gender" of the person, despite its distinct characteristics.

After a while, plugin "loses sight" of tears and drool at "touch event":

tearsString:Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)
droolString:Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)
lastTearsString:Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)
lastDroolString:Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)
tearsMap: key=Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)not found.
tearsMap: key=Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)not found.
Touch: Labia
tearsString:Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)
droolString:Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)
lastTearsString:Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)
lastDroolString:Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)
tearsMap: key=Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)not found.
tearsMap: key=Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)not found.
Touch: Labia
tearsString:Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)
droolString:Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)
lastTearsString:Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)
lastDroolString:Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)
tearsMap: key=Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)not found.
tearsMap: key=Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)not found.
Touch: Labia
tearsString:Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)
droolString:Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)
lastTearsString:Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)
lastDroolString:Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (type1)
tearsMap: key=Tears Large Clear(Alt) (type2)not found.
tearsMap: key=Drool Normal Clear(Alt) (ty

All this tested on VaM and with SexHelper 0.4 plugin. I'll attach it to the post, as it's not VAR file.


  • SexHelper.zip
    325 KB · Views: 0
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About the sound issue - plugin seems to choose the alphabetically first folder and only this one. Choosing other doesn't seem to change a thing or there is only some "crosstalk" for a moment. Maybe all this is because of big security changes author made in VaM recently?
cotyounoyume updated ExpressionBlushingAndTears with a new update entry:

[DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Simple(Free) Ver.1.4

This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.4 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: For...

Read the rest of this update entry...
cotyounoyume updated ExpressionBlushingAndTears with a new update entry:

[DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Simple(Free) Ver.1.5a

This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.5a | cotyounoyume on Patreon) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: This version...

Read the rest of this update entry...
cotyounoyume updated ExpressionBlushingAndTears with a new update entry:

[DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Simple(Free) Ver.1.6

This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.6 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: I...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Very good plugin, made this much more of a game than any other plugin promising responses from characters. Still, I think the plugin would benefit from a few updates:
1. Be able to dock the UI: Personally, I would like to have just the "ecstasy bar" and couple buttons I use a lot ("backup pose" and "reset" for example) just sitting down there in the corner of my eye/screen. It would also be hugely beneficial when having more than 1 character in the scene. VamX does this (ui docking) quite well.
2. Be able to change the squirt asset: Currently I have to place the custom particle assetbundle into the .var assets folder and rewrite the paths in both the source code and saved config. And I can't even change the orientation so bad luck when it shoots inside (particle collision kinda saves it).
3. Weak Limbs: Maybe its there and Im just missing it, but an option to disable the "weak limbs" effect after orgasm would be very useful, as it can sometimes destroy a pose. Not a major problem since there is a backup pose button and all my poses are saved in the timeline plugin, but still, they explode sometimes.

Thank you very much for this plugin and the updates.
I noticed that the plugin doesn't unload the previous sound set, when I choose a different one, and also, despite having "default" set in the options window when the plugin loads, the true sound set being loaded is the first one of alphabetical order, so I need to actually put "0" before the sound set folder name to be sure this one is going to be used at the scene load.
Also, the plugin doesn't save the sound set, which was being used last time, therefore loading the alphabetically-first.
Switching sound sets in the plugin is out of the question, since there are going to be different sets mixed-sounding at random at some point. ^_^
I noticed that the plugin doesn't unload the previous sound set, when I choose a different one, and also, despite having "default" set in the options window when the plugin loads, the true sound set being loaded is the first one of alphabetical order, so I need to actually put "0" before the sound set folder name to be sure this one is going to be used at the scene load.
Also, the plugin doesn't save the sound set, which was being used last time, therefore loading the alphabetically-first.
Switching sound sets in the plugin is out of the question, since there are going to be different sets mixed-sounding at random at some point. ^_^
Thanks mikmod ! I'll look into it this weekend.
(But I want to finish the other new features I'm implementing now, so I'll look into it in parallel with that work)
Very good plugin, made this much more of a game than any other plugin promising responses from characters. Still, I think the plugin would benefit from a few updates:
1. Be able to dock the UI: Personally, I would like to have just the "ecstasy bar" and couple buttons I use a lot ("backup pose" and "reset" for example) just sitting down there in the corner of my eye/screen. It would also be hugely beneficial when having more than 1 character in the scene. VamX does this (ui docking) quite well.
2. Be able to change the squirt asset: Currently I have to place the custom particle assetbundle into the .var assets folder and rewrite the paths in both the source code and saved config. And I can't even change the orientation so bad luck when it shoots inside (particle collision kinda saves it).
3. Weak Limbs: Maybe its there and Im just missing it, but an option to disable the "weak limbs" effect after orgasm would be very useful, as it can sometimes destroy a pose. Not a major problem since there is a backup pose button and all my poses are saved in the timeline plugin, but still, they explode sometimes.

Thank you very much for this plugin and the updates.
Thanks for the comment, Almarcrux !
I don't know if I can respond to any of these immediately, as they all have technical difficulties, but I'll consider doing so.

Regarding the first one:
I'm not familiar with UI implementation, so I need to look into how to implement it.
However, I've been vaguely aware of the problem as well, since the UI has grown so large in recent updates that it's becoming a hindrance.
Docking is difficult, but I will figure out how to fold it up so that it doesn't get in the way.

Regarding the second point:
when I first implemented the Squirt effect, I wanted to use another AssetBundle, so I looked into it. However, I gave up due to technical problems.
There was no way to know which direction the AssetBundle would shoot in, and I couldn't determine how to adjust the angle.

Regarding the third one:
It seems that some AssetBundles collide with the thigh collider and that's when the model explodes.
I have not been able to come up with a solution for this either. I'm hoping to fix it somehow too.
Hi mate! First of all thanks for making this, I'm very glad to support you! I just had two questions:

1. I use your work to enhance modified existing scenes a lot, and this means that in many cases the lady comes instantly (and often endlessly). I haven't really figured out how to turn down the sensitivity so it takes her longer to reach the threshold. Any pointers?

2. I use mirrors a fair bit, but tears and other liquids arrive on the mirror as black or grey goo. Blush was okay, but since the last version smudges pixalated red across the mirror image. Any way this can be fixed on my end? Otherwise, if you have time, care to look into it?

Thanks and keep up the good stuff!
cotyounoyume updated ExpressionBlushingAndTears with a new update entry:

[DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Simple(Free) Ver.1.69

This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.69 | cotyounoyume on Patreon) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: I...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi mate! First of all thanks for making this, I'm very glad to support you! I just had two questions:

1. I use your work to enhance modified existing scenes a lot, and this means that in many cases the lady comes instantly (and often endlessly). I haven't really figured out how to turn down the sensitivity so it takes her longer to reach the threshold. Any pointers?

2. I use mirrors a fair bit, but tears and other liquids arrive on the mirror as black or grey goo. Blush was okay, but since the last version smudges pixalated red across the mirror image. Any way this can be fixed on my end? Otherwise, if you have time, care to look into it?

Thanks and keep up the good stuff!
Thanks for the comment, Mogwai !
Regarding question 1, I too thought that the pace of the gauge's up and down movement needed to be adjusted. In the latest release I have added the Ecstasy Scale option. By increasing this, the up and down movement will be more gradual.
As for question 2, I think this is a problem with the alpha value of the mesh, but sorry, my lack of skill and knowledge makes it difficult to solve immediately.
Fixed an issue with the Sound function where the Default type was not being saved (the menu to change it was itself missing from the CustomUI). However, there may still be a problem with the audio part.

Also, the type of sound assigned to each Person (Personal Type) is not recorded as Config, but is recorded by saving the scene after the change.
However, the audio part still seems to be a problem. I'm sorry I can't fix it.
Thank you very much for the new version! I'm also a supporter since February, I think - this plugin is a LOT of work!

So the plugin's still going to use the alphabetically-first folder with sounds set upon loading a scene with the plugin or applying it to a person? Does VaM allow to unload all sounds loaded previously with the plugin (if applicable), whereas the other sounds remain?
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