• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Crash:< from new vr headset


Active member
Hello hello,

Since I have my HP Reverb G2, I have a crash in all scenes :/
For a year I used a Quest 2, never had any problems. I could shoot 15-20 scenes before crash.

I optimized the G2 by deactivating a lot of fixes and yet 1 out of 3 scenes, it crashed (
By loading a scene, or an asset, or an edit mod...)
without error, back to desktop steam.

Again and again...

I suspect SteamVR because before I went through Oculus.

Anyone had this problem?

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do I understand you correctly? Your Reverb 2 works with VaM, you can see the VaM starting scene, but you have crashes after loading some few custom scenes?
Untill an other Reverb user has a solution for exactly this issue, I would suggest to do some standard test in VaM.
-Please do a second clean install of VaM without all the downloaded stuff. Is your Reverb working correctly with this and some simple standard scenes? This is the cure for many problems with VaM.
-What is your graphic card? How many (V)RAM has this card? VaM will crash without mercy if this memory is running out. How many main memory/RAM has your PC? VaM has a serious "memory leak" 16GB should be minimum.
-Do you have some "texture upscaling/optimizing" going on? The Reverb has a higher resolution than yor previous hmd, and is known to "eat up VRAM". Are you using Super Sampling in the SteamVR and/or VaM settings?
-Clear your VaM cache at the main user settings. The texture caching can sometimes cause strange issues.
-Have you installed/started the WMR portal together with SteamVR? This has caused a lot of strange issues and high VRAM usage in the past. You may want to only use SteamVR.
-Make sure not to still run the oculus software in the background.
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I always 16gb of ram ddr4 3600 mhz and rtx 3070 8gb.

Maybe it crashes because the resolution of the g2 is very high and it must eat up a lot of vram.

I had a crash just by loading 2 looks in a scene. And with quest 2, no problem.

I don't run WMR, I go direct Steam but WMR still launches even if I launch SteamVR only.

I will send the g2 back, wmr convinced me to rma.
I have a G2 as well, so maybe I can share my experience.

It's not common for me to have crashes, perhaps if I jump around many scenes, go though many appearance loads, etc.
Perhaps the main reason is my RAM, I have 32 GB. When I had a weaker system with less RAM, 8GB I think, I had to do a hard reset after every one or two scenes. With 32 GB this is rare, only with prolonged use.
I still have a weak GPU (4 GB), so I don't use it at full resolution, somewhere like 68%. This is so I can have decent FPS, I don't think it affects crashes as much as RAM does. I think the sweetspot of VaM with RAM is around 24 GB.

WMR always loads, no way around it, and then SteamVR loads VaM. The only times VaM crashed it was because something happened within VaM or SteamVR went nuts, never had WMR crash.
There's also some issues related to AMD motherboards of a certain model type, in case you have one. You mention doing some fixes so I guess you know about that.

Overall I'm very satisfied with my G2 and performance, just hoping to eventually getting my hands on a decent GPU to use at full resolution. My only sugestion would be to get 32 GB of RAM or 24 GB, the G2 are damn nice to have.
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