• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Clean up f*** ton cluster f*** of files.


New member
So I've realized that like every time I open virta, I'm downloading anything that seems interesting, on top of that, I have tons of stuff from patreons and other creators I've bough downloaded. My virta file system is a absolute mess. I tried organizing at one point, but downloading from hub didn't put stuff where I wanted. I'm sure I have doubles if things in different folders. Is there any magical something one of you amazing people have made to organize things easier than in the hub?
I have money, I will pay for sanity lol
All the tools in the world will not help much if you just have too much stuff and download everything. If you have duplicates it's because you have folders in AddonsPackages. This tactic, which I use too, is only beneficial if you also spend time in maintaing it.
At this point I would suggest you to download VaM to a new folder and move in the stuff you want only. The rest can be in a different folder for safekeeping or deleted.
All the tools in the world will not help much if you just have too much stuff and download everything. If you have duplicates it's because you have folders in AddonsPackages. This tactic, which I use too, is only beneficial if you also spend time in maintaing it.
At this point I would suggest you to download VaM to a new folder and move in the stuff you want only. The rest can be in a different folder for safekeeping or deleted.
Haha maintaining the folders definitely was an intention, then a few "eh I'll do it laters" and eeeek!
That var manager did some good things, but made a mess of other things. I had to manually undo some of what it did, which defeats the purpose.
So I've realized that like every time I open virta, I'm downloading anything that seems interesting, on top of that, I have tons of stuff from patreons and other creators I've bough downloaded. My virta file system is a absolute mess. I tried organizing at one point, but downloading from hub didn't put stuff where I wanted. I'm sure I have doubles if things in different folders. Is there any magical something one of you amazing people have made to organize things easier than in the hub?
I have money, I will pay for sanity lol

I was in exactly your situation and in the end the best solution was to bite the bullet and clean house. Everyone has a different way of dealing with this problem but in my case, I went through my addon folder and copied out everything that I knew I had paid for and put it all into its own folder. Once you know stuff you paid for is all safe there isnt really any massive loss if you really cant be bothered and just start from scratch. I didnt have a massive amount of stuff in the old custom folders from the old system before .vars so I left all that alone, it doesnt affect VAM speed like the addon folder anyway. The important thing after sorting everything out is coming up with a way to keep it from getting out of hand again with the least effort. Assuming you aren't gonna start from scratch then the next step for me was to make an "archive" folder for scenes you most use & dont want to go hunting for again, as well as all the paid content, and move those vars into it using creator named folders to keep it all tidy. Keep this folder inside the vam folder but outside the addon folder so the files dont affect vam. This folder will be very important later. Next step, inside addon folder make folders for stuff you want to always keep, for me I made clothes, hair, morphs, essential dependencies and fave appearances folders. I then skimmed through the addon folder and moved the biggest/most used vars into the appropriate folders. If this is too tricky another way is to wait till addon folder is cleared later on, then go into vam hub and download the top listed packs for clothes, hairs, etc 1 content type at a time and just bulk move the vars once they all appear inside the addon folder into the appropriate folders. For plugins I just searched the addon folder for the ones I know I use all the time and moved the latest version of each into the dependencies folder. Then did same with morph packs. Just searching "morph" inside the cluttered addon folder finds most of the big ones, same with hairs, clothes etc. Once youre happy youve got a fair chunk of all the vars you know youre always gonna want moved into the folders then just go ahead and select everything else thats left loose in addon folder and delete the lot. I cut and pasted all mine out just so I had them in case I realised I needed something later.

Now load Vam, go to the Hub and do the old search for missing files and updates and download all. This should in theory mean you then have all the dependencies you need for your fave appearances, hairs, clothes etc and any scenes that were saved outside the addon folder eg in custom. Sort these files out into the folders inside addon just like before as best you can and dump any remainders inside the dependencies folder.

What you're now left with is your "Base VAM" setup. You now know no matter how much shit you download off the hub, you can always go into addon folder, select everything not sorted into those "base folders" and delete EVERYTHING whenever it starts to get too much and you'll still have everything you regularly use eg appearences, plugins, clothes, hairs etc all safe.

Now as you use Vam, whenever you get something you think is worth adding to the folders to keep like great plugins, new fave looks etc, just go to addon folder, sort by date and move the vars into the folders. It's worth occasionally doing what you did before, ie clearing all the loose stuff out, going to hub in vam and downloading all files you need for new stuff youve been adding to your safe folders just so you dont have to keep downloading them each time you clean house. Personally ive almost never had to do this as most vars for things like appearances have all/most the dependancies inside them anyway. Any scenes you wanna keep for later use you should move into the "archive" folder we made earlier, remembering to make subfolders with creators names to keep it all organised. I have a "misc" folder inside my archive folder for single scenes I wanna keep.

Now heres how to use all this work youve done to never have to do all this again. You've got your base vam with nice clear addon folder, except for the folders you made inside to keep fave stuff safe, and you wanna play some scenes. All you have to do is decide what you fancy using that session eg I wanna use some scenes from Alpaca. So I just copy or move the folder named alpaca from the archive folder into the addon folder and boot vam. Go to hub and download all the required dependencies for those scenes. If there are any big files that take a while to download, I suggest at some point going to the addon folder, sorting by size and move them into the appropriate folders inside addon so theyre added to your "base vam". When finished with using alpaca scenes, just move the alpaca folder out of addon, back to archive, and delete all the loose left over files in the addon folder. You now have a nice clean vam again and with the benefit of next time you play alpaca and download the dependencies off the hub you only have to download all the smaller ones, which shouldnt take long.

If you keep doing this each time you move scenes over from archive to play, you'll slowly build up a base vam that has all your fave stuff, plus all the big dependency files your scenes need. I also suggest if you find the odd scene you like and wanna keep, make a folder inside addon called "misc scenes" or similar and move them in and out of archive to this folder and do the same procedure as before. I have a handful of random scenes I like to keep inside vam to play so they stay in the misc scenes folder and I just boot my base vam with only those scenes in the addon folder, download all the dependencies, stick them all in my folders in addon and then never have to do it again.

Last thing to do, going back to when you 1st setup your "base vam" but before you start adding more and more files to it over time from stuff you're gonna be playing regularly, is do a simple copy paste of your original base vam addonpackages folder, which is setup with just your essential plugins, looks, etc and change the name to something like "addonpackages2" and keep it in the vam folder next to the normal addonpackages folder. As long as the name is different, which it is with 2 added on, it wont have ANY effect on using vam. But what it does do is give you a clean but playable version of vam always available. I keep this here because I use VR, & If I have any REALLY resource hungry scenes that are slowed down too much by having lots of files in the addon folder, I can stick them into this addon folder, swap the folder names around between the 2 addonpackages folders and play at the best possible performance with all my fave looks and plugins still intact. Then just swap the folder names back afterwards, takes like 10 seconds. I got this idea when I found out that the number of files in the addon folder, not the file sizes, has a direct effect on VAM fps, and that by changing the folder name even slightly removes those files from having ANY effect on VAM. Creators use this feature of VAM for testing out scenes with best performance.

I hope this all made some sense or at least gave you some ideas of ways to keep vam fairly clean.
It's tedious, but i just opened vam then file>load. I would click on a var to see its contents, if I didnt care for it, I'd select it in addons folder and delete it. Keeping a side folder on another screen and using borderless window for VAM made it quicker than I thought it would be. I got my load time cut in half doing this. Some authors I didnt like, I would delete everything i got from them. If i liked their stuff but didnt want it cloggin space. I'd relocate outside VAM for later use.

Edit: Having a bare bones "core"install copied somewhere as a backup is always useful.
While I tried the VAR Manager linked above, I have found myself almost exclusively using the varManager found here.

Place all my VAR files into a folder for storage, click UpdateDB in the app, and it will scan them all, and organize them into folders based on the creator.
You will end up with a folder structure of /YourFiles/VarTidied/Creators, /YourFiles/VarRedundant, /YourFiles/VarObselete, and so on.
The application itself has a nice dropdown with every single creator, and filtering. So you can search for specific VARs or look at all the vars from individual creators. When you select a VAR it even shows screenshots and what is inside the VAR depending on what it is. If you check a box next to a var, it will create a symbolic link for that var, and any dependencies of that var in the AddonPackages folder. If you unchecked it it removes them.
You can easily create profiles, so that it will automatically place the symbolic links for anything you have checked with that profile. No files are moved from where it has organized them, and everything is done with symbolic links.

I know other managers can do similar things, but I found the UI on this one the best and easiest to work with. Any time I download a new VAR I just dump it into the file folder, click UpdateDB, and its sorted into the correct place, and if I already have it it will be tossed into the Redundant folder so I can delete it.

The only negative I have found is the app does not support network drives. So if you store a large amount of addons on a network drive this will not be able to organize them.

Of course be aware as well that when you click UpdateDB it will organize your VAR files, so if you have some special way you want them organized this also wont work, as it organizes them by creator.
@Halaster does it work if some vars have been unpacked into their own folders to fix missing dependencies? The standard fix is to unpack a something.var file into a folder called something.var, then move the file elsewhere and edit the files in the something.var folder. If this breaks that trick, that's not so good.
@SlimerJSpud Just checked and it looks like it just completely ignores unzipped var files.

The test I did was I had a VAR already in the database. I moved it out of the organized folder and placed it in the base folder. I unzipped it into a folder based on its name, so Author.packagename.1.VAR, then I placed the .var somewhere else so it would no longer be detected. I ran UPD_DB to update the database. It detected the var was gone and removed the entry from the database, and it left the unzipped folder alone doing nothing at all with it. The var at this point was no longer in the game at all, since its just sitting in a folder doing nothing. I then moved that folder into "AddonPackages", and it started working just like normal.

This app works with Symbolic Links, so the folder you keep all your files is not actually "AddonPackages" but some folder elsewhere. Anything you install with the application, it creates a symbolic link inside of AddonPackages, but does not actually move anything there.

In my case for example I have a folder called E:\Virt-a-mate\Repo where I place all my normal VAR files, I run the UPD_DB and it moves them all into E:\Virt-a-mate\Repo\VarTidied\Creator\file.var. If I have 100 var files and I click the box next to 10 of them, then if I looked inside of my AddonPackages folder I would see 10 symbolic links to those 10 files, and the other 90 would not be present in AddonPackages at all. The application itself does not move things around in the AddonPackages folder, or mess with anything in the AddonPackages folder, other than Symbolic Links it has created. The one big exception is if you are dealing with unzipped content you would either have to only use one "profile" in the app, or manually move the folders if you switch profiles. Since each profile is a separate symbolically linked AddonPackages folder. So lets say I have two profiles called Dancing Scenes and Runway Scenes. Dancing Scenes has all my VAR files with dancing scenes, and Runway Scenes has all my vars with Runway Scenes. The way the app works is it would have two folders created with symbolic links for the appropriate VAR files, that it creates a symbolically linked AddonPackages folder for. So if I have Dancing Scenes selected, and I decided to place 10 Unzipped VAR folders into my AddonPackages folder, they would go into the Dancing Scenes Symbolic AddonPackages folder, so if I switched the profile in the app to Runway Scenes when the app changes AddonPackages from Dancing to Runway, those unzipped VAR files would no longer appear to be there if I looked into AddonPackages.

In your example above, for any vars you have unpacked, you would just treat them like normal and just place those in the AddonPackage folder, and this app would not mess with them at all. It only organizes and links actual standard VAR files, not unzipped files.

TLDR: You can use unzipped VARs fine as long as you are not using the AddonPacks Switch for multiple profiles. If you do you have to move the folders when you switch profiles since the app does not detect or touch them at all.

Hope that was an understandable post, as I had never really used unpackaged VARs before so I had to test how it works just now. Any time I have a VAR problem I fix it and repack it. Also converted all the old save/scene content and clothing, hair, scripts and so on all into packages with fixed links instead of leaving a mess around.
Haha maintaining the folders definitely was an intention, then a few "eh I'll do it laters" and eeeek!
That's how I ended up with a super messy directory filled with over 400gb of content.. Maybe 20% of it actually ended up in subdirectories like I intended.
Yesterday I spent probably a good 2 hours going making a new install and sifting through what I needed and what I didn't.
The easiest method of dealing with lot of files is just to dump everything into single folder (to remove duplicates) and use Var browser:

I have now ~11,5k var files and VAM is flying. It's a little tricky that some things you have to do twice (ie. load person preset - first load via Var browser then apply in VAM).

The biggest benefit of Var browser is that you have ALL your files in range of double click. No more exiting VAM, install and restart or refresh inside VAM. Browse everything, install scene, all dependencies are installed automatically, after play click "Uninstall all".

I do logical division (like on hub - scenes, looks etc) but it's tedious work and not required for var browser - just for me ;)

ps. i'm not familiar with var browser creator - it's just great piece of software. I've tried every organizer available and nothing is even close to this one.
I was in exactly your situation and in the end the best solution was to bite the bullet and clean house. Everyone has a different way of dealing with this problem but in my case, I went through my addon folder and copied out everything that I knew I had paid for and put it all into its own folder. Once you know stuff you paid for is all safe there isnt really any massive loss if you really cant be bothered and just start from scratch. I didnt have a massive amount of stuff in the old custom folders from the old system before .vars so I left all that alone, it doesnt affect VAM speed like the addon folder anyway. The important thing after sorting everything out is coming up with a way to keep it from getting out of hand again with the least effort. Assuming you aren't gonna start from scratch then the next step for me was to make an "archive" folder for scenes you most use & dont want to go hunting for again, as well as all the paid content, and move those vars into it using creator named folders to keep it all tidy. Keep this folder inside the vam folder but outside the addon folder so the files dont affect vam. This folder will be very important later. Next step, inside addon folder make folders for stuff you want to always keep, for me I made clothes, hair, morphs, essential dependencies and fave appearances folders. I then skimmed through the addon folder and moved the biggest/most used vars into the appropriate folders. If this is too tricky another way is to wait till addon folder is cleared later on, then go into vam hub and download the top listed packs for clothes, hairs, etc 1 content type at a time and just bulk move the vars once they all appear inside the addon folder into the appropriate folders. For plugins I just searched the addon folder for the ones I know I use all the time and moved the latest version of each into the dependencies folder. Then did same with morph packs. Just searching "morph" inside the cluttered addon folder finds most of the big ones, same with hairs, clothes etc. Once youre happy youve got a fair chunk of all the vars you know youre always gonna want moved into the folders then just go ahead and select everything else thats left loose in addon folder and delete the lot. I cut and pasted all mine out just so I had them in case I realised I needed something later.

Now load Vam, go to the Hub and do the old search for missing files and updates and download all. This should in theory mean you then have all the dependencies you need for your fave appearances, hairs, clothes etc and any scenes that were saved outside the addon folder eg in custom. Sort these files out into the folders inside addon just like before as best you can and dump any remainders inside the dependencies folder.

What you're now left with is your "Base VAM" setup. You now know no matter how much shit you download off the hub, you can always go into addon folder, select everything not sorted into those "base folders" and delete EVERYTHING whenever it starts to get too much and you'll still have everything you regularly use eg appearences, plugins, clothes, hairs etc all safe.

Now as you use Vam, whenever you get something you think is worth adding to the folders to keep like great plugins, new fave looks etc, just go to addon folder, sort by date and move the vars into the folders. It's worth occasionally doing what you did before, ie clearing all the loose stuff out, going to hub in vam and downloading all files you need for new stuff youve been adding to your safe folders just so you dont have to keep downloading them each time you clean house. Personally ive almost never had to do this as most vars for things like appearances have all/most the dependancies inside them anyway. Any scenes you wanna keep for later use you should move into the "archive" folder we made earlier, remembering to make subfolders with creators names to keep it all organised. I have a "misc" folder inside my archive folder for single scenes I wanna keep.

Now heres how to use all this work youve done to never have to do all this again. You've got your base vam with nice clear addon folder, except for the folders you made inside to keep fave stuff safe, and you wanna play some scenes. All you have to do is decide what you fancy using that session eg I wanna use some scenes from Alpaca. So I just copy or move the folder named alpaca from the archive folder into the addon folder and boot vam. Go to hub and download all the required dependencies for those scenes. If there are any big files that take a while to download, I suggest at some point going to the addon folder, sorting by size and move them into the appropriate folders inside addon so theyre added to your "base vam". When finished with using alpaca scenes, just move the alpaca folder out of addon, back to archive, and delete all the loose left over files in the addon folder. You now have a nice clean vam again and with the benefit of next time you play alpaca and download the dependencies off the hub you only have to download all the smaller ones, which shouldnt take long.

If you keep doing this each time you move scenes over from archive to play, you'll slowly build up a base vam that has all your fave stuff, plus all the big dependency files your scenes need. I also suggest if you find the odd scene you like and wanna keep, make a folder inside addon called "misc scenes" or similar and move them in and out of archive to this folder and do the same procedure as before. I have a handful of random scenes I like to keep inside vam to play so they stay in the misc scenes folder and I just boot my base vam with only those scenes in the addon folder, download all the dependencies, stick them all in my folders in addon and then never have to do it again.

Last thing to do, going back to when you 1st setup your "base vam" but before you start adding more and more files to it over time from stuff you're gonna be playing regularly, is do a simple copy paste of your original base vam addonpackages folder, which is setup with just your essential plugins, looks, etc and change the name to something like "addonpackages2" and keep it in the vam folder next to the normal addonpackages folder. As long as the name is different, which it is with 2 added on, it wont have ANY effect on using vam. But what it does do is give you a clean but playable version of vam always available. I keep this here because I use VR, & If I have any REALLY resource hungry scenes that are slowed down too much by having lots of files in the addon folder, I can stick them into this addon folder, swap the folder names around between the 2 addonpackages folders and play at the best possible performance with all my fave looks and plugins still intact. Then just swap the folder names back afterwards, takes like 10 seconds. I got this idea when I found out that the number of files in the addon folder, not the file sizes, has a direct effect on VAM fps, and that by changing the folder name even slightly removes those files from having ANY effect on VAM. Creators use this feature of VAM for testing out scenes with best performance.

I hope this all made some sense or at least gave you some ideas of ways to keep vam fairly clean.
Literally exactly what I've been searching for. Gonna embark on 'The Great Journey' with this as my guide
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