@cmramlow @ZRSX For now, I had a quick look at both, the code of ZRSX.Character_Transparency and HuntingSuccubus.AutomaticBodySmoother - and I don't think it's possible to fix their interference without actually creating a "merger" of the two scripts (which is
not going to be a 5min job and would also require cooperation or permission from both authors).
Both plugins are doing effectively the same: when the script activates, it replaces the current shaders by specialised ones, one for adding Alpha (everything in lines 678ff with "SeparateAlpha" in it), the other for tesselating ("Custom/Subsurface/GlossNM
TessMappedFixedComputeBuff"). Whoever runs last, "wins" and overwrites the shader of the first, and with it the desired feature.
You can actually try that by adding both scripts, and dis/enabling them in random order. Depending on which script was last, and when you (de)activate it, you get all sorts of combinations of wrongly applied/restored shaders.
The one question that needs to be clarified before even thinking of attempting a merger is whether there is an actual default shader that has tesselation AND alpha in one, e.g. "GlossNM
SeparateAlphaFixedComputeBuff" or "
TessMappedFixedComputeBuff" ... which doesn't seem to be the case from my tests just now.
@cmramlow : There might be a workaround if you are OK with transparent bodies being non-tesselated because that won't be so apparent:
a) make sure the Tesselation script is first
b) the Transparency script is second and starts disabled and
c) when the body is about to become invisible, activate the Transparency plugin (which will turn off tesselation), do the fading, and
d) only once the body is totally visible again, deactivate the Tranparency script so the tesselation is back...
(in theory, though... I haven't tested that)