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Question Change scale of person but not clothes?


New member
So recently there was an amazing GTS scene that @Annubis made. I had to get the Patreon as it was a GTS scene like none I have scene.

I didn't think she'd become a giantess stepmom - in this scene the model changes sizes via timeline but the clothes appear to stay close to the original size.

My questions does anyone have any tips when it comes to changing the person's scale but the clothes stay the same size maybe even growing out of the clothes?

also if you haven't check out that scene I highly encourage you to do so and support @Annubis at their Patreon!
Clothes are always proportional to the figure. They are made to follow the figure's mesh. Vam doesn't really have different states for the same piece of clothing, but there are tricks you can play with simulation. I can't find it ATM, but there's a torn shirt that looks normal until you turn on simulation. It's the sim map that makes it come apart. Combine that with some other parameters like reducing offset, or collision strength, and you might have a hulk-style bursting out of the clothes scene.

Edit: Torn top:
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There's a setting in the clothing physics menu called "Distance Scale". Depending on the clothing it can shrink the length of the cloth, sometimes it will decrease the length of the arms as well.
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