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Can you export from latest version of Blender into 2018 Unity?


Active member
I'm using the newest version of Blender 3.0 alongside the 2018 version required for VAM. However, I can't seem to export anything from Blender into Unity. The blender file can be read by Unity but the model doesn't actually show up. Am I doing something wrong or is 2018 Unity not compatible with Blender 3.0 objects?
Are you exporting as FBX? That is what I use mostly.
Also, I get nasty issues with exported UV maps/textures a lot of the time even if the model mesh comes through.
Another issue I had with "model doesn't actually show up" was that it DID. It was just a thousand km away from the current viewpoint in the editor. This is usually caused by offcenter models and insane scaling issues.
Try scaling your model to 0.01 before dragging it onto the scene, also pan around and zoom out looking for it....
Following this guide seemed to have worked:

I say "seemed" because the model exported, but with funky colors/textures and missing the instanced particles on put on there.

It's a start I guess. I really just want to create modern rooms and Blender seems to be the only good way, the tools with Unity itself even with probuilder doesn't seem that great.
I have had hit and miss with going from Blender to Unity.
Sometimes things export and just work, others they are messed for no visible reason.
There are plenty of room models out there for VaM already, so unless you have a reason to want to make your own try looking at the free ones that exist already?
There's some specific architecture and settings I want to recreate, the existing ones just don't meet what I'm looking for. Plus it's fun to build.
Fair enough. Well, good luck. I am not sure there is much more I can say, I fail with blender myself.
Getting messed up colours/textures is a common theme for my attempts to export from Blender.
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