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Question Can I trigger clothes to turn on?


New member
Hello, I'm fairly new to creating scenes in VAM, and come across this issue recently, but been unable to find a solution on the forums yet.

What I'm trying to do:
There are "cum clothes" that understandably l would not want to appear until later in the scene. I need to put a trigger of some sort in the timeline, to trigger them on.

The Problem: I can't figure out how to trigger this. I select the "person", and the clothing item in question, but the only options I see in the list that seem to do anything is the "reload" option.
I have seen vague comments on the forum about using triggers for turning clothes off, but I can't even see an "off" or "on" option or anything to that effect, so I must be doing something wrong.
Could someone please give some advice on making this work?
Вы можете уменьшить "AlphaAjust" в "Combine" на своей сперме одежды, чтобы сделать ее невидимой, а затем, используя тот же параметр, снова сделать ее видимой через триггер.
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Yap, what Molmark said (thank you Google Translate).
By the way, @Molmark , thank you for your excellent shared assets.

You can also see my scenes who have triggers for cum clothing in action, and merge loading clothing presets (cum clothing or to "clean" cum) are also an option.
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Вы можете уменьшить "AlphaAjust" в "Combine" на своей сперме одежды, чтобы сделать ее невидимой, а затем, используя тот же параметр, снова сделать ее видимой через триггер.

Thanks. while I was able to translate it to english, I still couldn't understand what I'm supposed to do exactly.
would you be willing to show me an example screenshot of what you are talking about please?
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You add the clothing, go to the clothes options, there you'll see sliders and colour panels. One of those sliders is called Alpha adjust, which means transparency.
Easier to try it with a large piece of clothing.

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I still couldn't understand what I'm supposed to do exactly.
Alpha -1 will hide it
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Ah, yes, I misunderstood where the OP was having trouble. Wasn't about knowing where to make something transparent but how to trigger that.
Cheers, @yasparukko

@mehbebe, yasparukko's screenshot should make it clear now. The receiver will have different names but for alpha adjust the naming usually has "material" in it.
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Joining the conversation a bit late ;)

Is there any cool plugin to "gradually move the Alpha adjust from -1 to 0 ?
I've tried with the VamTimeline, setting an Alpha value for the cloth at each 0.1 sec, but every time i disable then reenable the cloth, my timeline triggers (reciever cloth) are then showing blank and I need to reconfigure everything.
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You don't need a plugin, you can have a trigger and set the delay part to gradually reach the target value.

The triggers will break if the receiver is not present in the scene, they can't work on something that isn't there.
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You don't need a plugin, you can have a trigger and set the delay part to gradually reach the target value.

The triggers will break if the receiver is not present in the scene, they can't work on something that isn't there.
Worked ! Thanks :)
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@atani I found an interesting way to control the Alpha opacity in certain special cases. ?
Suppose a "wet pussy" cloth that becomes visible on pussy touch: with the method you suggested, you can't increment how her pussy is getting wet (a few touches she remains dry, but the more you touch her, the wetter she is).
To do that you can use a MacGruber Counter with actions "OnChangeTrigger", adding your alpha 'Start' and 'End'. Then you increment with Triggers on that counter "CountUP". I use a timeline too to decrement, in case there is no pussy action. Works great ?
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