Does anyone have any tips on how to achieve a decent breast grab?
- When hand gets close to breast, we parent link hand to breast, to simulate grabbing of breast.
Current outcome:
-Parent linking hand to breast causes the hand to flail like crazy as it's just parented to the chest control
Expected outcome:
- Hand grabs breast, hand follows the chest but still maintains its own force\direction
- Breast will share force\direction of it's chest force\direction, but also take into account the fact a hand is absorbing some of hat force\direction
- When hand gets close to breast, we parent link hand to breast, to simulate grabbing of breast.
Current outcome:
-Parent linking hand to breast causes the hand to flail like crazy as it's just parented to the chest control
Expected outcome:
- Hand grabs breast, hand follows the chest but still maintains its own force\direction
- Breast will share force\direction of it's chest force\direction, but also take into account the fact a hand is absorbing some of hat force\direction