Still green here, but I've come to realize that presets are a must if one wants to speed things up playing a new scene with your favorite X/Y/Z, duh!
For clothing and hair, I'm fine, but when it comes to plugins, what's the best practice?
For instance, I have this female appearance, and here's the plugin preset I included in her "base" set:
If you don't mind sharing your base plugins/presets in a reply that'd be great, I will learn from them, and most likely improve upon my own.
Still green here, but I've come to realize that presets are a must if one wants to speed things up playing a new scene with your favorite X/Y/Z, duh!
For clothing and hair, I'm fine, but when it comes to plugins, what's the best practice?
For instance, I have this female appearance, and here's the plugin preset I included in her "base" set:
- Automatic Body Smoother
- Collider Editor (for presets if needed)
- Naturalis
- Extra AutoGenitals
- Auto Bulger
- Thigh Compression & Vibrations
- Automatic Body Smoother
- Collider Editor (for presets if needed)
- Supplementary collider (though I believe I may not use it right)
- Penis Collision
If you don't mind sharing your base plugins/presets in a reply that'd be great, I will learn from them, and most likely improve upon my own.